Recent content by zoldos

  1. zoldos

    [AddonsLab] Unread Post Count

    Worked perfectly on my new forum (XF 2.2.12 and UIX2 Dark). Thanks!!
  2. zoldos - Goth Community

    Coolness. I'll be joining. I've always considered myself an "outcast". :D
  3. zoldos

    Schism Souls! Unique, refreshing, and a bit weird!

    Session 9, although cool, just wasn't going anywhere, and honestly, the interface was cumbersome, the menus and various options inconsistent, and I just never really liked it as much as a true forum. Hence, I've opened a brand new forum, and closed the Asylum. I think everyone will enjoy it...
  4. zoldos

    XF 2.2 How do I remove 'Forum List' from homepage?

    @Paul B Thanks! You are God. :D
  5. zoldos

    XF 2.2 Node permission update error 403 Plesk control panel ModSecurity fix

    I ran into this too, except with a friend's Wordpress site (on the same server). But it would make ALL sites on the server unavailable for 10 mins. Disabled mod security, and it fixed it....
  6. zoldos

    XF 2.2 server errors sending e-mails with external mail server?!

    That's what I figured. I've opened a ticket with my mail handler, but just wanted to check here to be sure. Thanks!! :)
  7. zoldos

    XF 2.2 server errors sending e-mails with external mail server?!

    I've been using an external service to send e-mails for about a month. Most of the time, everything works. But I'll get this server error and severaal more like it occasianlly: Swift_TransportException: Email to from failed: Connection could not be...
  8. zoldos

    Search Improvements

    Cool. Thanks! I'll upgrade the add-on. :)
  9. zoldos

    Search Improvements

    I'm still using 2.2.12. Is my version affected by the bug you worked around?
  10. zoldos

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    hehehe Interesting!
  11. zoldos

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    It's worth the wait. It's a fantastic add-on! My members love it! 😁
  12. zoldos

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    Gotcha. My bad. I say try PMing him here on the official forums....
  13. zoldos

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    I don't get e-mails from his forum either sometimes. I suggest logging on to it, and just check for updates. @apathy is really nice, and very helpful. :)
  14. zoldos

    XF 2.2 silly question: How do I show sub-navigation by default?

    Yes, sure: :D
  15. zoldos

    No matter what folder ffmpeg is in, I keep getting open_basedir error!!

    BTW, this is when using the latest XF Media Galley. Thanks!
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