Recent content by Sim

  1. Sim

    Known Bots

    Was there any earlier errors in the logs?
  2. Sim

    XF 2.2 Plugin and Custom Project Integration Concerns

    Sorry, this won't work. If you have other applications on the site (unrelated to XenForo) and they are on the same domain (not subdomains), then you can not install XenForo in the domain root, but must install it in a subdirectory. So you'd have: = home page =...
  3. Sim

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    The community has been operating for decades without a dark mode option so to asserting that it is my choosing not to allow this by default for guests (who are not members!) that is going to affect the growth is a pretty offensive and ignorant perspective. People don't come to my site because...
  4. Sim

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    Actually it is. It's my site - I get to choose exactly how it looks and how my users interact with it. This is not a democracy - I expect to have 100% control over my site and how it looks. By asserting that the users get to choose based on their preferences gives them more agency than I...
  5. Sim

    XF 2.3 How can I enable push notification on my website?

    Is your site running on HTTPS with a valid SSL certificate? I believe you also have to enable push notifications for groups in permissions, which is not on by default?
  6. Sim

    Latest 2.3 Finished Release Recommendations

    Assuming you've got quite a bit of dev work to get ready for the migration, I'd start developing / testing with XF 2.3 beta - by the time you're ready to launch, it should be out of beta and ready for production use.
  7. Sim

    XF 2.2 How do you handle users with Awaiting Email Confirmation?

    Create a test user account (I have one on every forum I set up), change their user state to "Awaiting email confirmation" and then log in as that user - you'll see the message above and the link to resend account confirmation. Either way, it is <forum root>/account-confirmation/resend
  8. Sim

    XF 2.2 How do you handle users with Awaiting Email Confirmation?

    Just make sure you have a functioning contact page and let the user follow up if they cannot access their account. If they log in with their account in a state of awaiting email confirmation, the forum will let them know and instruct them on how to complete activation. ... so just let them...
  9. Sim

    Claudebot - Thousands of Hits

    Yes, a simple match on claudebot should do the trick. I capture user agents from sites using my KnownBots addon so I can analyse them to identify bots - I currently have 59,540 user agents in the database. This is useful because it allows me to search the database of user agents to see whether...
  10. Sim

    XF 2.2 Allow approving/deleting multiple posts in Approval queue

    I wouldn't be managing this obvious spam via the approval queue - I would be spam-banning the users themselves, which will automatically clean up all of their posts (including those in the approval queue).
  11. Sim

    Private Site

    Yes, I have 2.2.15 running on two of my private sites that use this addon. FYI I will be starting testing on 2.3 beta soon.
  12. Sim

    XF 2.2 Manually Registering Users?

    Generate a username for them using some kind of algorithm and check for uniqueness. The user can always change their username using the functionality built in to XenForo. Similarly with a password - just create a random password for them and let them change it.
  13. Sim

    XF 2.2 Manually Registering Users?

    That's what the API is for
  14. Sim

    XF 2.2 Manually Registering Users?

    There is an option to do that when editing a user - you can send them a password reset: I wrote a tutorial on how to use the API which might help:
  15. Sim

    Turnstile / XF Query

    No, Turnstile does not require you to use Cloudflare for DNS - it operates independently.
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