Recent content by querschlaeger

  1. Q

    A Quick Look: XPress

    That looks great! Have you tested Wordress database plugins? For example, Toolset (Types) or Pods? Are these well integrated (Style)? I would also be interested in whether you can assign Wordpress roles to specific Xenforo (secondary) groups?
  2. Q

    Quick look at UI.X 2

    Found some bugs (all with Android+Chrome): 1. After opening the user menu, the keyboard is shown, but no input is seen. It seems there is an auto focus on the status form, but not scrolling down. So I (end user) have keyboard but I don't know WHY? 2. Reply button/link and scroll arrows lap...
  3. Q

    XF 2.0 Redis supported out of the box?

    Is there a redis support (without add-on) in XenForo 2?
  4. Q

    Having issues with Ubuntu 16 and Nginx with the Friendly URLs.

    Do not check if file exist:
  5. Q

    [TH] Single Sign On (Master) [Deleted]

    Is it possible to use Wordpress as a SSO (OpenID) Client? There are some OpenID SSO Plugins available:
  6. Q

    XF 1.5 Group Promotion and User Upgrade

    Hello, I have some User Upgrades on my site. If users buy a plan they will be added to an extra secondary user group. Now I have an idea: At a users birthday they should get the extra secondary user group too (without buying a plan). It seems that the extra secondary user group removes when...
  7. Q

    XF 1.5 Do users get trophy (point) multiple times?

    Hello, What happen if a user gets a trophy but then lost the requirements and later he get the requirements again?
  8. Q

    Fixed Attachment Thumbnail Dimensions

    If you set Attachment Thumbnail Dimensions (admin.php?options/list/attachments) over 200 (400 for example) then file attachments looks ugly (but images are fine):
  9. Q

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Wondering the same... It would be fantastic to multi filter on custom thread fields. Not only filtering on one field at the same time. Are multiselect fields are possible too?
  10. Q

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Will URL structure in 2.x be the same?
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    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    I have a question: Will XenForo 2.0 still use BBCode? Invision switched to HTML forum posts in version 4.0 (like Wordpress posts are HTML too). Please don't switch to HTML too!
  12. Q

    XF 1.5 How can I use APCu and PHP OPcache?

    I know it is looking for APC: Zend_Cache_Exception: The apc extension must be loaded for using this backend ! But how can I use a user cache like APCu?
  13. Q

    XF 1.5 How can I use APCu and PHP OPcache?

    Hello, installed PHP 7 with Zend OPcache support and APCu as user cache. My question: How can I use APCu? If I add this to my config.php I get an error message (An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.): $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['backend'] = 'Apc';
  14. Q

    360 Photo Support

    I know, it is just an example of a 360° video. But the XenForo Media Gallery supports videos too: Video Ecard Demo by Mike2020 posted Jun 28, 2016 at 10:58 AM But this player does not support 360° videos... So, if XenForo will get support of 360° images, it should also get support of 360°...
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