Recent content by DragonByte Tech

  1. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Mail [Paid]

    Download the latest version again, I hotfixed it :)
  2. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte WebP

    No idea, I didn’t test that or do anything specific for it.
  3. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Social Groups [Paid]

    Not “beta” or “release candidate”.
  4. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Social Groups [Paid]

    Not yet, it’s in development and will be ready before Gold release :)
  5. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Donate [Paid]

    Safe to ignore, sometimes the API I use for exchange rates messes up. As long as it only happens occasionally there’s nothing to be concerned about.
  6. DragonByte Tech

    Fixed Incorrect return type hint for \XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager::findByIds

    @return AbstractCollection[T] should be @return AbstractCollection<T>, as it currently drops the entity type hint.
  7. DragonByte Tech

    XF 2.2 Old users are becoming SPAM everyday !

    I can certainly look at it for the XF 2.3 version :) I wouldn’t hold my breath though as I strongly doubt the install area is addon-enabled, as obviously we wouldn’t want a broken addon to interfere with the ability to (re)install XF 😅
  8. DragonByte Tech

    PhpStorm Live Templates for XenForo 2

    Tiny update for XF 2.3's macro template: <xf:macro id="$template$::$name$"$END$ :D
  9. DragonByte Tech

    Fixed Webhooks: Including phrases via getters will fail

    Assume you have a getter like this: public function getTagline(): \XF\Phrase { return \XF::phrase($this->getTaglinePhraseName()); } In your entity's setupApiResultData you include it like so: $result->includeGetter('tagline'); Sending the webhook will cause this error...
  10. DragonByte Tech

    Iconic layout breaks list columns

    See screenshot: This might in part be due to max-width: 100%; on .iconic.
  11. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Stripe Checkout

    I think the most appropriate action here is to setup a separate payment profile. Having two checkboxes would make the UX worse IMO.
  12. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Social Groups [Paid]

    Was this meant to be posted to DB Credits? 😄 In either case it’s something to look at; the initial version will likely just be compatibility and updates for PHP 8.
  13. DragonByte Tech

    What is the recommended process on cleaning user accounts?

    It actually happened twice, the second time was due to unauthorised access to SMTP sending. I forget where exactly the bug was. I had to go into explicit detail on what was wrong and how I had taken steps to fix it so it wouldn’t happen again 😅
  14. DragonByte Tech

    What is the recommended process on cleaning user accounts?

    Self hosted email validator requires port 25 to be open on your web server / your firewall, so bear that in mind :) I had the same problem when first switching to SES, I had to beg them not to kick me out due to the number of bounces, that’s what inspired me to add the feature to DB Mail. I...
  15. DragonByte Tech

    [DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid]

    I believe there should be an option for this in the XenForo Options for this addon :)
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