Recent content by Chris D

  1. Chris D

    XF 2.2 Access $config variables in a Controller?

    $dbname = \XF::config('db')['dbname'];
  2. Chris D

    XF 2.3 XF Cloud: hCaptcha Error

    Probably best to submit a ticket and we will look into it. We may need to request access to your admin control panel to investigate further.
  3. Chris D

    Fixed Embedded internal link to resource tab pages not working

    Okay now it is
  4. Chris D

    Fixed Embedded internal link to resource tab pages not working

    It's not rolled out yet
  5. Chris D

    What about using the Tiptap editor for XenForo?

    It contains core functionality so even if it could be disabled (it can't) disabling it would prevent access to controls for copy/paste etc.
  6. Chris D

    XF 2.2 Authy API Onetouch -> Verify?

    Yeah and unfortunately the replacement - the Verify API - is not really fit for purpose. You could use it to build something similar to Authy OneTouch but you need to build your own destination for the notifications to be received. They can no longer be sent to the Authy app. So we'd need a...
  7. Chris D

    What about using the Tiptap editor for XenForo?

    Cut / Copy / Paste / AutoFill? No they're pretty important.
  8. Chris D

    Fixed Resource manager not able to attach image

    This should now be resolved here cc: @Bob Currently to fix this locally/on a live site we recommend downloading this file: And uploading to: js/vendor/exif-reader/exif-reader.js
  9. Chris D

    XF 2.2 Cloud email bounces from Hotmail

    I get your point, but this thread was about a specific issue on XF Cloud so a general experience with Microsoft blocking IPs isn't relevant here. Our IPs are not blocked by Microsoft and the original issues have been resoled. So it does matter :)
  10. Chris D

    As designed Share options are not showing in the mobile view

    This is intentional. For devices that support it, we leverage the native device functionality. Most smartphones have a native "share sheet" which is familiar to mobile users, as it will be the same share sheet that is available in other apps. The benefit of this is that it displays a list of...
  11. Chris D

    XF 2.2 Page could not be loaded error for two users.

    If you could submit a ticket from your customer area we'll get some more details from you and look into this.
  12. Chris D

    XF 2.3 Featuring content

    I think the comments by @digitalpoint still stand. The add-on would just need to remove it from the template.
  13. Chris D

    Fixed XF2.3 B7 Elastic Search template error?

    Did you download and install Enhanced Search 2.3? You need to do that if you're running XenForo 2.3.
  14. Chris D

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    Although presumably your site would be nothing without users so going out of your way to ignore their preferences is hardly going to be a great start in winning them over. But indeed. The choice is yours. There are alternatives if you would prefer not to have a system variant by default as...
  15. Chris D

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    It's not about what you like more :)
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