Recent content by AndrewSimm

  1. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    Ha, you found it at the right time. I board a flight in 10 minutes and will be on vacation for a week.
  2. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel - Version 1.9.7

    FIXED: Recently warned users was not showing users that are banned
  3. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    AndrewSimm updated [Andrew] Moderator Panel with a new update entry: Version 1.9.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    Edit: looks like it was excluding banned users. Fix coming.
  5. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    I can confirm this. For me, users warned yesterday or sooner don't show. I will dig into the issue.
  6. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    Can you DM me some IPs to test?
  7. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    You are going to see it when you check someone's IP on a post and if you view recent registered users in the mod panel. Check those areas and let me know what you like and what should be on the user approval page.
  8. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    Do you approve all new users and do you use any of the APIs that work with my add-on?
  9. AndrewSimm

    XF 2.3 Featuring content

    Featured content is the only tab under "whats-new" that actually isn't a "whats-new". It doesn't belong there at all. It should be it's on tab or under forums.
  10. AndrewSimm

    XF 2.3 Featuring content

    This is a cool feature but I already run an articles add-on that does much of what this does and a lot more. How can I completed disable "featured content" in Xenforo? I don't want it show under whats-new or anywhere else.
  11. AndrewSimm

    Is this good UI design ? (example - content starts 11 areas down

    I like putting the logo to the left of the menu and have it always show. I also don't use the "What's New" tab.
  12. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    Go to 1.9.6 :)
  13. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel - Version 1.9.6

    FIXED: Removed unix timestamp displaying beside function FIXED: Banned user list shows the user banned themselves
  14. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    AndrewSimm updated [Andrew] Moderator Panel with a new update entry: Version 1.9.6 Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    Oops, looks like I left print of the unix timestamp in and created a new bug. Release coming in 5 minutes.
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