Duplicate Unable to tag a member using Firefox when using the mouse


Well-known member
Affected version
2.3 Beta 2
If I start typing @ and then a username, it pops up the usual list of suggestions. However, if I then click a suggestion, it simply disappears and I'm left with the partially typed username. If I do the same in Chrome it works properly. It also works properly in Firefox and Chrome if I move the highlight to the correct suggestion with the down arrow and press Tab.

This function works properly in all previous versions including 2.2.15 with Firefox and Chrome, but only in 2.3 does have a problem. I've noticed this ever since xenforo.com moved to 2.3 several months ago, but I'm still seeing it in the latest Beta 2 build running on my local test server so I'm now reporting it. I'm always running the latest version of Firefox.

Note that this is separate to the issue where a username has an @ in it. This happens with all usernames.

I've not seen any discussion on this, so has no one else noticed this?
If I start typing @ and then a username, it pops up the usual list of suggestions. However, if I then click a suggestion, it simply disappears and I'm left with the partially typed username.

Same here using Firefox 124.0.1 (64 bit)
Thanks for the feedback. Good to know it's not just me.

Given that this thread isn't gonna be actioned for being a duplicate, I reposted my report here:

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