The Following Alerts

The Following Alerts [Paid] 3.1.4

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Fantastic work and quick turnaround

Does it comes with option in their preference to resume "Ask every time" if they decide to change their mind?

I will take a spin at it as soon as I have the time.
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Hello @truonglv - I've noticed a bug which has appeared a few times in the past; when refreshing, the alert pops up showing either the amount of alerts, or a zero if cleared.
It only lasts a second, but it's definitely something that's happened before.
Would it be possible to add a little notification icon (twitter-like) on user's postbit for an easy "follow me" step?
can we have number of following/followers on postbit/member's overly/profile? that will be a great addition.
🐛 Bug with "New threads created" alert.
Double alerts will be sent if the thread is moved from one forum node to another.
HI - we've updated but now we are getting a massive FOLLOW button on user info beside/above posts. We've been running this addon for years and I cannot recall this button ever displaying before.

How do we remove or reposition that button?
Silly! I have just found the option. No idea how I missed it. Is it possible to give options to reposition or resize that button?
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