XF 2.1 Logo development for a new site

Joe Kuhn

Well-known member
My new site is here

I developed my own Forum icons and am liking the graphics work so much I started looking at logos.

Since my forum theme is the translation of FoxPro programs to C#, I'm thinking of developing a logo that changes from the FoxPro logo to the C# logo one small piece at a time, either in place or side by side.

If they were side by side, the C# logo would not be visible to start with. As a small block of the FoxPro logo would disappear and, a same size block of the C# logo would appear. The pieces could be randomly chosen from each of the two logos, and eventually, the FoxPro logo would be completely gone, the C# logo completely visible. Then it would start over again after a pause.

1583698653235.png 1583698678463.png

If it was one on top of the other, I'd simply replace one piece of the Fox logo with a piece from the C# logo. Small squares come to mind.

Would like to see it both ways.

How would I do this?
For the face direction saying, I think it's valid for a standalone logo. For this kind of wide banner type logo maybe it's not very important..

Btw I'm not even a graphic designer.
But it takes up the entire header. Can anyone name one logo that does that besides this one? To me it is awkward. Why is it so big? Take a look at eBay, amazon, FB, Heinz, and Charmin (lol), just trying to be diverse, but man this logo is HUGE!


It's just an idea. I didn't do much graphics work due to limitation of phone app and time. The two individual logos can actually further simplified and some sort of transition symbol can be added in between.
But it takes up the entire header. Can anyone name one logo that does that besides this one? To me it is awkward. Why is it so big? Take a look at eBay, amazon, FB, Heinz, and Charmin (lol), just trying to be diverse, but man this logo is HUGE!
Yeah that's not even a logo. 😁

It's more like a statement.
Frankly, no.

I'd rather use my last proposed logo (two logos combined together and have some sort of transition symbol added in between. The two individual logos can be further simplified or modified to make the whole thing consistent.
Ok, so: (fox log) "to" (C# logo). Doesn't get much simpler than that.

What I have now is: Word, logo, "to", logo, word. There is balance in it, but it's not as simple as it could be.

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