XF 2.1 How can I defend my forum from unwanted or fraudulent access.


Hi guys, I wanted to ask you a question. On my site I have been warned that more users access with the credentials of a registered user. They simultaneously enter the true registered user. Some use teamviewer to log in from a registered user's pc. These people access without registering to my site but using teamviewer or credentials from a compliant user. Do you have any idea how I can protect my forum from these people?
Excuse me if I do not write well in English but I'm learning.

p.s. My xenforo versione is: 2.0.10
I may be wrong but this sounds a lot like services like bugmenot.com which is accounts for which the credentials are shared. Example:

You can check if there are logins for your site and request removal of your site here:

This addon has very good features to protect from multiple users accessing the same account.

CloudFlare can also help with malicious users.
No my website there isn't on bugmenot.
I know bubmenot. My problem is not this. I want to understand how to block those accessing my website using teamviewer or blocking those who access simultaneously with a registered user. For example, if I give my credentials to a friend and together we access xenphorus, no one could notice it. Some users are doing this and it bothers me a lot.
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