
  1. m0nty

    XF 2.2 Xenforo 2.2.15 on WPEngine

    I have spent a couple of days trying to install Xenforo 2.2.15 on my WPEngine hosted server, with a view to importing a very old and large SMF 2.1 install. However, I haven't even been able to get to the install screen yet. So far: had to add ?> at the end of every PHP file, WPEngine doesn't...
  2. V

    XF 2.2 Importing from SMF 2.1 - open_basedir problem

    I tried to import from SMF 2.1.2, but always run into open_basedir errors. Originally I installed XF into a different "webspace" in Plesk, than where SMF is. So I thought that might be the reason. But then I reinstalled it under the same webspace and the errors were identical. Now it is back...
  3. GreaterRealms

    XF 1.5 SMF 2.0 to XF 1.5 Import snafu (99.9% sure it's gonna be my own fault)

    Hello! My name is Mel, and I probably messed up by being dumb, despite having the installation & importer instructions up. So I just purchased Xenforo in excitement for my small role playing and writing community, GreaterRealms. Long story short: I wanted to give them both a forum and a chat...
  4. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Fixed Importing from SMF => preg_replace(): No ending delimiter '#' found

    I tried to import a SMF 2.0.13 forum to latest version of XenForo. I got this error message and the import ended. Any suggestions what to do next?
  5. M

    Fixed SMF Importing: attach bbcode causes post content truncation in thread view (but not in edit view)

    A few weeks ago I performed a final SMF import and rolled out XenForo on my public site. There were a number of previous test imports done to identify importing problems to make the transition as smooth as possible. Unfortunately I did not spot this undesired post trimming issue during testing...
  6. mmg

    SMF prettyurls to XenForo URL redirector

    Hi, I want to switch from SMF 2.x to XenForo 1.5. That SMF has a module named "Pretty URLs" which produced nice SEO URLs. Is there anyone who wants to take that job and do it (paid) for me? What I am looking for is a 301 redirector script from the old to the new URLs that I can probably...
  7. Phantro

    Xen API or XenPorta? Coming from SMF SSI API (Wants to go for XenForo)

    Hi guys, I have an website of that is almost everything integrated by using SMF SSI. When I try to find some topic about this over here on xenforo. I have found some old posts from 2010 and 2013, and maybe these days we have something better. The most needed function is something like this...
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