highdpi retina

  1. R

    Fixed 2X Smiley displayed twice as big on iPhone

    Set 2X smiley: Smiley is displayed twice as large as other smilies on iPhone: Is this the intended behavior or a bug? My expectation is they would all be displayed the same size, the 2X version would just be displayed with higher DPI. In posts, the same smiley is displayed the normal size.
  2. zilchfox

    XF 1.5 HighDPI Support for images?

    Hey all! I was wondering if and when HighDPI support will be coming, or if there's a 3rd party addon solution for this? I'm talking about avatars, etc.. I'm surprised that XenForo doesn't already support this being 2016, as pretty much every mobile device on the market is HighDPI/Retina, and...
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