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Page as portal homepage

Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
With XF2 it's really simple to add a Page as the homepage and populate it with widgets to create a "portal" page.

As a few people have asked how to do it I thought I'd post this quick guide.

Go to admin.php?nodes/ and click Add a Node

Select Page as the node type:
Screen Shot 2017-09-17 at 15.11.16.webp

Set up the Page node and add any widgets you...
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4.85 star(s) 13 ratings

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This one thread taught me so much! Thank you for the amazing tutorial, I am now able to customize pages to my liking.
Works great! I was a little lost before finding your tutorial but you put me in the right direction. Thanks for the guide :)
Simple, easy and functional - I love this tutorial - thank you so much for sharing it! Took no time at all to set up a Page as a welcoming portal to all visitors to our community. Sometimes, the best things in Xenforo - ARE free, hehe. Brilliant stuff, cheers!
Clear and Easy. I also had .p-title-pageAction {display:none} in the <xf:css> to remove the bookmark icon. Thanks.
Awesome and was easy to do for a beginner like me. Had some extra questions and all got answered and now it looks all fine.
Brilliant and easy to follow tutorial which helped my forum get the exact look I wanted for the front/home page - thanks a lot for this!
Excellent tutorial to set up a portal. XF team may be good in development area but they fell short when it comes to tweaks and versatility of their apps, assuming all customers are tech savvy. This void is filled by people like RobParker with their contribution. Thanks again.
This is simple and straight forward, and a perfect simple home page portal. Thank you for taking the time to put it together!
Much thanks! You just saved me $40 from a portal addon. I will be sharing this with anyone else I tell about XF.
Really helpful and easy to understand! I also really like that you added the URLs, like admin.php?options/groups/basicBoard/, to the tutorial with this it's really easy to find the options.
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