Gender as a Text Field

Unmaintained Gender as a Text Field 1.1.2

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Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Out of the box, XenForo defines gender as being either "male, female, or unspecified." This add-on removes the radio buttons and replaces them with a plain text field that your users may then enter anything into.

This add-on is not supported, as it modifies some of XenForo's core functionality, and will break any and all gender-based add-ons.

  • Gets rid of the gender binary
  • Breaks many, if not all, gender-related add-ons
  • Changes the radio buttons for gender (male, female, unspecified) to a text field
  • Removes gender from the registration form (one less registration hurdle)

Why would you want to do this?

  1. Disalienation.
  2. You really don't care about gender demographics.
  3. You welcome people of all gender presentations.
  4. You don't mind people getting "creative" with their gender presentation.
Why wouldn't you want to do this?
  1. It will absolutely break many, if not all, gender-related XenForo add-ons.
  2. Marketers will lose the ability to target your users based upon their gender.
  3. You will not be able to search or group users by gender (eg. have male or female only boards).
  4. Gender as a Text Field has been deemed the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse. Usability Chaos.
  1. Upload files/directories underneath upload to your XenForo's root.
  2. Import the add-on XML using the add-on importer in your Admin CP.
This add-on is not supported as it is known to break many, if not all, gender-related add-ons.

Copyright / License
This project is released underneath the MIT License (MIT).
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Support for XenForo 1.4.

    This removes the gender selection field from the registration page on newer 1.4 forums. If...
  2. Minor casing update

    No need to upgrade if this add-on is already working for you. This is a minor fix to make sure...
  3. Some small additions.

    Added custom gender to message/conversation view Removed gender search criteria from admin user...
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