Recent content by zTurko

  1. zTurko

    Fixed Reaction titles double encoded (in specific scenarios?)

    Not work with xenforo 2.1 beta 4
  2. zTurko

    Fixed New Installation Problem (2.1.0 Beta 3)

    Hi, You have to disable it and try again
  3. zTurko

    Third party Cloudflare RocketLoader

    Hello, When RocketLoader from Cloudfalre is activated on my site, we can not manage the addons ie click on this: RocketLoader worked very well with version 2.0.11 but on version 2.1.0 Beta 3 we can not manage the addons the rest works correctly.
  4. zTurko

    Fixed New Installation Problem (2.1.0 Beta 3)

    For me it works very well
  5. zTurko

    Fixed Reaction titles double encoded (in specific scenarios?)

    It's weird thanks for the info Mike :)
  6. zTurko

    Fixed Reaction titles double encoded (in specific scenarios?)

    Good evening, When I try to change the title of the like to "I like" it makes me this:
  7. zTurko

    Fixed Favicon for links

    I did a test here it does not work:
  8. zTurko

    Fixed Favicon for links

    Hello, Favicons is not displayed and displays a 404 error Here is the error for favicon links :
  9. zTurko

    XF 2.1 Welcome to XenForo 2.1 / Assorted improvements

    There are changes to the speed of the site?
  10. zTurko

    XF 2.1 Welcome to XenForo 2.1 / Assorted improvements

    XF 2.0.X addon will work on XF 2.1? Great job!
  11. zTurko

    Responsive News Slider [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  12. zTurko

    XF 2.0 Center thread title

    In the end, it does not include the other pages:
  13. zTurko

    XF 2.0 Center thread title

    I found here the code: .p-title-value { margin: auto !important; }
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