Recent content by Zelkova

  1. Zelkova

    XF 2.0 New to XF development

    Hello, I'm a front end dev and have not worked with XF before in a huge capacity, I've always outsourced the work to someone else. I heard that XF2 reworked how addons work entirely and figured now would be a great time to get started on learning how to develop for it. I went searching for any...
  2. Zelkova

    [XFA] MG Album Block [Paid]

    This block says that it showcases content within albums. What if I only have content located in categories?
  3. Zelkova

    XenZine Articles [Deleted]

    I do not see a way to moderate reviews/ratings that are left on articles. Am I missing something?
  4. Zelkova

    XenZine Articles [Deleted]

    This is a feature I desperately need and likely will hinder the performance of my site. Is there any way I could contract you for a custom build?
  5. Zelkova

    XenZine Articles [Deleted]

    Thats changing wysiwyg editors vs invoking two different field types I think. Are there any restrictions on invoking the text box type that uses the wysiwyg?
  6. Zelkova

    XenZine Articles [Deleted]

    @tenants Is there a way to enable the use of the WYSIWYG editor within a custom multi-line text box?
  7. Zelkova

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    Hi @Jaxel , I'm sure you probably don't want to deal with 1.x bugs anymore, however I'm hoping that you might help with this small one. I recently upgraded to PHP 7.1 and am encountering a bug with the history function. Upon clicking the history button on a public facing page, I get this...
  8. Zelkova

    sonnb - Xenforo Trigger Lightbox

    I've been using this plugin for years, but it looks like there is a small issue with it. If a user submits an image that isn't hotlinkable, i get errors thrown in the back end. Error Info ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to a member function thumbnail() on boolean - image.php:45 Generated...
  9. Zelkova

    XF 1.5 htaccess and friendly urls on HTTPS

    I resolved the matter at hand by recreating my virtual host file for ssl that letsencrypt automatically created. The one that was generated lacked AllowOverride All under Directory options. I apologize that this was not a XenForo issue. Thank you all for being so helpful. Turns out a good...
  10. Zelkova

    XF 1.5 htaccess and friendly urls on HTTPS

    Hello, I recently installed a fresh installation of XenForo on my server. This server was already running a copy of XenForo beforehand without HTTPS and I was able to use htaccess, friendly urls, and mod_rewrite without an issue. Prior to using letsecrypt to install my certificate and modify...
  11. Zelkova

    MediaWiki Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    Thanks for the response Brogan. On second thought, I think some downtime would be nice while I update this plugin. I'll resubmit it when I'm complete. Thanks again!
  12. Zelkova

    MediaWiki Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    I guess Xenforo Admins didn't like my plugin? I didn't delete it.
  13. Zelkova

    MediaWiki Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  14. Zelkova

    MediaWiki Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    I've updated the list of warnings for this plugin. Currently the plugin does not work with subdomains. (Ex:, it only functions with a wiki folder. This is a planned feature for the future but for right now it just does not work. I'm still trying to find a freelance dev to work on...
  15. Zelkova

    MediaWiki Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    You use LocalSettings.php in the root of the wiki. Take a look at this page$wgGroupPermissions
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