Recent content by Whatley187

  1. Whatley187

    Other Need one XF forum/users migrated to another

    hello, I am looking to have three things done. My old website completely backed up before I shut it down (in case I ever want to restore it) All of the forum posts and users migrated over to my new website (we can discuss which forums from old go where on the new) Mass email sent to all of...
  2. Whatley187

    The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console.

    Unfortunately nobody has been able to fix this for us.
  3. Whatley187

    Master Badge [Paid] [Deleted]

    Thanks. @Milano if you have a chance could you help me out?
  4. Whatley187

    Master Badge [Paid] [Deleted]

    I actually think this is happening on my site as well. Some people have that badge strip on their actual in thread card on the left and some don't. It was just installed so its not like people have gone through and changed their preferences either. For example i have it...
  5. Whatley187

    MMO Tooltips

    Does this still work? Nothing on the demo page for this actually works for me. I also installed it to my website and nothing is working.
  6. Whatley187

    Add-on xenWow

    Just curious if you have a rough release date?
  7. Whatley187

    Add-on World of Warcraft Roster

    I would pay as well, if nothings comes up we can potentially move this thread to the custom request section.
  8. Whatley187

    Master Badge [Paid] [Deleted]

    I've noticed this as well, is it possible that the badge had to have been unlocked within X days prior to the install? Meaning does it only show a trophy if it's recently achieved
  9. Whatley187

    Add-on World of Warcraft Roster

    Hello, Does anybody know of any World of Warcraft roster importers? A lot of the generic guild hosting websites offer that sort of thing (see example here), so I was wondering if anybody in the XF community has made something like this for our end? If not, is something like this a...
  10. Whatley187

    Add-on Looking to hire to fix my XenMedio addon.

    Hello, I have an error that appears whenever i try to import a playlist using XenMedio. I used the addon discussion and we were unable to find a solution. I also tried anything i could figure out within my ability and still cannot fix it. At this point I would love to hire somebody who can...
  11. Whatley187

    [TH] Google Calendar API [Deleted]

    Can i use this to push Google Calendar events to my XF Events page?
  12. Whatley187

    [8WR] XenMedio (Media) PRO [Paid]

    It ends up being too long for message or private message, i had to paste it in a thread on my site (link below) I could also give you a login to use for a dummy account if you happen to want to see if...
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