Recent content by Wesker

  1. Wesker

    Xenforo Custom Services, Addons, Themes, Migration, Server Installation & Management and more | 9+ years of experience

    10/10 Service This is by far the best custom service developer/expert on the xF Boards. He knows his ins and outs about everything he specializes in. He is patient with you and properly explain step by step what he is doing He is an expert in multiple areas He understand how XF works and can...
  2. Wesker

    Icewind Insolent One [Deleted]

    Why was this deleted? Great plugin. Still have it and working great.
  3. Wesker

    XF 1.5 Reset all passwords

    Did you ever get this resolved?
  4. Wesker

    Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

    Same. Still works even with PHP upgrades.
  5. Wesker

    Search Engine Optimization / Console Fixes

    We have a variety of problems going on with our XenForo Forums. We need assistance from someone that can investigate this further and fix the issues that Google is having properly indexing pages on our site. If you handle this type of work, send me a DM.
  6. Wesker

    Server Migration

    Looking for assistance to merge 3 servers (2 xenforo) (1 wordpress) and migrate them to hopefully 1 server. This will require moving a wordpress server and configuring it with the xenforo server. Most of this is fairly simple but there are 2 configuration issues which will require some time /...
  7. Wesker

    Wordpress Script / Code Experts

    Looking for some assistance with some wordpress issues. On some of the latest updates, our code script broke and it needs some slight rework done to the coding. Anyone that can help with this, let us know.
  8. Wesker

    Other XenForo Email Server Configuration

    Need some urgent assistance with our default mail server. For the past year we have had consistent issues with our server being unable to send emails SMTP out to related emails only. We have made a variety of changes the latest being recommended here...
  9. Wesker

    Gmail accounts not receiving emails from my server

    Same issue. Looks like gmail starting to eventually force everyone to make the adjustments. Your server IP might be blacklisted then. Try running tests from external mail servers free trial and see if you're getting the same issue. Fact you're being blocked by both Hotmail and Gmail is an...
  10. Wesker

    Add-on Delete Duplicate Thread Posts

    Doesn't matter. It can be done via Batch Update.
  11. Wesker

    XenCentral Multisite System [Paid]

    The XF1 version has problems when you upgrade to PHP 7.4 so you'll need a custom developer to fix those. Just some load issues.
  12. Wesker

    XenCentral Multisite System [Paid]

    Works fine for me in XF1
  13. Wesker

    [Nobita] Messenger (Realtime Chatting) [Paid] [Deleted]

    It was actually about 50% to 75% done. Not entirely sure why you stopped.
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