Recent content by Wanji

  1. Wanji

    [XenConcept] Quiz Manager [Paid]

    An exception occurred: [InvalidArgumentException] Class XenConcept\QuizManager does not match formatter pattern %s\%s\View\%s in src/XF.php on line 1129 XF::stringToClass() in src/XF/App.php at line 1667 XF\App->XF\{closure}() in src/XF/Container.php at line 234 XF\Container->create() in...
  2. Wanji

    $250 to remove brand removal?? Is this true?

    I don't know why they didn't ask for it. I need a lawyer. :)
  3. Wanji

    $250 to remove brand removal?? Is this true?

    Doesn't this mean the opposite? XenForo had to pay 350 dollars to put their brand at the foot of my site.
  4. Wanji

    [XenConcept] Quiz Manager [Paid]

    Server error log InvalidArgumentException: Class XenConcept\QuizManager does not match formatter pattern %s\%s\View\%s src/XF.php:1164 Generated by: [name] Jun 6, 2024 at 3:58 PM Stack trace #0 src/XF/App.php(1730): XF::stringToClass('XenConcept\\Quiz...', '%s\\%s\\View\\%s', 'Pub') #1...
  5. Wanji


    Really? R u ceriusz?
  6. Wanji

    XF 2.3 Replacing node icons via css

    Any idea? I mean child node.
  7. Wanji

    XF 2.3 Replacing node icons via css

    Can this be implemented with 'Listed below node'
  8. Wanji

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    But no style button
  9. Wanji

    XF 2.2 You must enable two-step verification to access the control panel

    I mistakenly logged in with an account that has all Yes permissions, instead of logging in as super admin.
  10. Wanji

    XF 2.2 You must enable two-step verification to access the control panel

    It turned out to have been set individually, not through group permission. After I changed the setting to No all, I was required to activate two-step verification. Is this normal? 😩
  11. Wanji

    XF 2.2 You must enable two-step verification to access the control panel

    It doesn't work. I had to enable two-step verification. But no confirmation code was sent to the email to enable two-step verification.
  12. Wanji

    XF 2.2 You must enable two-step verification to access the control panel

    I can't log in to the site. It says You must enable two-step verification to access the control panel.
  13. Wanji

    Why should I buy this?

    Even though I already had a plan to save up to buy an IPS license. Reading your opinion faded my desire to buy. The strange thing that I experienced, I contacted them several times via support email but never got a reply.
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