Recent content by Walter

  1. Walter

    The Google SEO leaks
  2. Walter

    Improving email outreach

  3. Walter

    Quoting Improvement

    Happens a lot.
  4. Walter

    More Sharing Services

  5. Walter

    Server issue Checkboxes now showing in 2.3.0B4

    Had the same issue in a small test forum with Beta 1, changed nothing, problem vanished with Beta 2 - so maybe there is more to this.
  6. Walter

    XF 2.3 ?

    So I assume you @Wildcat Media definitely have knowledge when 2.3 is coming out? Does this count as a question about availability? And when will you install this ancient board? Do I get a dollar per question?
  7. Walter

    Upgrading Centos 7? or waiting?

    Elastic runs perfectly on Alma 8.
  8. Walter

    Upgrading Centos 7? or waiting?

    Moved over to Alma, was pretty effortless.
  9. Walter

    Matomo Analytics

    You dont need any add-on for Matomo, simply add it to a template or to advertising. If you plan to grow its a good idea to use a different domain, otherwise use
  10. Walter

    What is the future of XF?

    Define bloated. Xenforo 2 runs faster on my servers than Xenforo1?
  11. Walter

    Fixed Non-ASCII characters not supported in local-part

    A user changed his email address to something stupid like ihatetheadmin@blö ("blöd" is German for stupid), an obviously not existing email address. Now I get several errors from Swift telling me that umlauts are not allowed in an email address. It would be better to prevent umlauts in the...
  12. Walter

    XF 2.3 ?

    I'd trade my 2.2 license for a 2.3.
  13. Walter

    Article threads SEO

    Cant find your suggestion? I would vote for it.
  14. Walter

    Zodiac signs [Deleted]

    A way to show both Chinese Zodiac and Zodiac Sign would be nice...
  15. Walter

    Looking for feedback: A new look at forum user experience

    Come on... I feel you but.... Its not an app. Its a compromise, a link on the screen, but in no way would any developer speak of this as an app.
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