Recent content by vij

  1. V

    XF 2.3 ?

    So... where is it?
  2. V

    [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid]

    @DragonByte Tech Plan to use addon purely for "Guest Post" Sales. We have a large inventory of websites we sell "guest posts" on for a fee. There is no downloadable product. There is no "Renewal" or "Yearly Fee". I simply want admin and buyers to be able to see list of products purchased. Can...
  3. V

    XF 2.2 How to show signature to guests on mobile view?

    Never mind. This worked @media (max-width: @xf-responsiveNarrow) { .message-signature { display: block !important; } }
  4. V

    XF 2.2 How to show signature to guests on mobile view?

    How to allow guests to see signatures on mobile view? Sigs show up otherwise but not on mobile...
  5. V

    XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration [Paid]

    @Mangini Is it possible to limit the number of forum posts displayed under a wordpress post? Idea is to show 3 -4 forum posts and then have that "join the discussion" link. Will help avoid too much duplicate content.
  6. V

    [XF2SEO] XenForo SEO

    It's a standard expectation of kw linking add on. 1. Say, a post has 5 kw, allow setting that will limit how many will be linked. 2. Say a thread has 10 posts and overall 7 kw, allow a setting that can limit how many will be linked at the thread level.
  7. V

    [XF2SEO] XenForo SEO

    Very relevant and useful for most forums. Stability is important though. In watchlist :)
  8. V

    [VNNET]Thread Fake View Count For XF2 [Deleted]

    @zoom360 1. Does this make all threads with views less than "max view count" same in view count? If yes, that will look super fake and obvious. 2. Is there branding link stuck at the bottom if this addon is installed ?
  9. V

    Prefix Essentials featuring auto expiring prefixes and prefix filtering [Paid]

    Ah never mind @Stuart Wright . Its the "Prefix Esentials" addon feature I suppose. These type of prefix urls are not on XF default and so I was wondering :)
  10. V

    Prefix Essentials featuring auto expiring prefixes and prefix filtering [Paid]

    @Xon @Stuart Wright How do you get proper 'section url' for the prefixes like it is on avforums? The prefix menu on that wonderful forum leads to such section urls. Ex like below:
  11. V

    Ads Manager 2 Lite by Siropu [Paid]

    Is the latest ver compatible with 2.2?
  12. V

    Parse HTML [Paid]

    @NixFifty Need your kind help. Please let me know if the following will render correctly using your addon. <iframe src="" scrolling="yes" height="400px" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  13. V

    [cXF] Widget Homepage [Paid]

    Na... I just wanted those beautiful buttons on regular forum pages :)
  14. V

    [cXF] Widget Homepage [Paid]

    Indeed. But I also thought the header widget thing could be plonked elsewhere. My bad.
  15. V

    [cXF] Widget Homepage [Paid]

    I was hoping to add the header widget just above the thread list in forum view. Looks like I cannot.
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