Recent content by TUG

  1. TUG

    XF 2.0 Google Analytics - Web Property ID versus Global Site Tag

    yea sorry, i was reading this differently. it does configure the analytics tag properly, I was actually searching on how to also add the adwords/conversion tracking tag as well. appears that needs to be done manually, I also found a free tool that seems to be a great addition to xenforo in...
  2. TUG

    XF 2.0 Google Analytics - Web Property ID versus Global Site Tag

    did you ever get a solution for this?
  3. TUG

    google adwords landing pages - "website is not globally accessible"

    further update on this from google support, apparently it got escalated. they are now claiming that when "google" browses the site it is triggering an IP ban configured on the site and loading the "your ip address has been banned" page from xenforo. we have a hundred or so blocked ip addresses...
  4. TUG

    google adwords landing pages - "website is not globally accessible"

    so I was attempting to create a few test adwords ads to target a few keywords related to our forums, and the ads created that link to the forums were disapproved by google with the following explanation: "We have escalated your issue to the concerned team and the team mentioned that your...
  5. TUG

    XF 2.2 same subforum linked under two separate parent nodes?

    figured, appreciate the confirmation. ty!
  6. TUG

    XF 2.2 same subforum linked under two separate parent nodes?

    probably a stupid question i already know the answer to, but never hurts to ask! is there a way to get a single subforum linked under two separate parent forums? parent A - subforum123 parent B - subforum123 where subforum123 is the same link to the same subforum/node? I realize i could...
  7. TUG

    XF 2.2 outdated template "thread view" remains after upgrade 2.1 to 2.1?

    will try that. only catch is, ive gone thru it at least 3 times now and dont find any "custom changes"...or at least nothing I recognize as custom. when we modified all our previous templates (like the other two that merged fine), we were sure to add comments with the date/reason for the new...
  8. TUG

    XF 2.2 outdated template "thread view" remains after upgrade 2.1 to 2.1?

    so i completed an upgrade to 2.2 earlier this week, went pretty seamlessly and i havent had any reports of anything weird...kudos to making that process so simple now! upon completion I had 3 templates that were listed as outdated. two i recognized as they contained a custom bit of code that...
  9. TUG

    XF 2.1 orange "wait" timer icon stays despite message posting just fine?

    scratch that, host just responded with this message: "the backups were not able to complete 100% successfully because: Table 'xf_search_index' is marked as crashed." said he was making an effort to repair the table, but if not can this simply just be recreated by running the rebuild index tool?
  10. TUG

    XF 2.1 orange "wait" timer icon stays despite message posting just fine?

    backup ran out of control early this morning and filled up the disc...obviously xenforo/mariadb does not like this. stopped backup, freed up disk space, everything back online (seemingly)...except one really odd annoying new feature! when making a reply or posting a new thread, the moment you...
  11. TUG

    XF 2 Login/logout/register from external php site

    did you ever find a solution for this? id be interested in getting this to work as well if possible?
  12. TUG

    Adding xenforo forum to a laravel system-user login?

    you ever get any further with this? id also like this feature to be able to auto-generate a xenforo login from an external source.
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