Recent content by [The Piper]

  1. [The Piper]

    Prefix Forum Listing

    Anybody, please?
  2. [The Piper]

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    Thanks a lot, Jake! I really appreciate it! (y) Both redirects are now working fine, to VB2 and VB3 URL formats. Just a thing, I believe there's a comma missing at the end of this line, which I added myself, as not having it broke the script: 'postid' => XenForo_Input::UINT...
  3. [The Piper]

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    Anyone, please? Help? This can't be too hard to achieve, but I have near-zero PHP programming knowledge...
  4. [The Piper]

    Technical Server Administrative Review - MattW

    @MattW also worked his magic very recently with All Pink Floyd Fan Network, when we switched hosts. I tried to do the migration myself at first, then asked the web host provider to do it, to no avail - everything broke up again and again, after several tries. Anyway, I was already in contact...
  5. [The Piper]

    Prefix Forum Listing

    I have been having trouble with this: 1) Prefix forum listings are not displaying on all forums I chose in the AdminCP Options. Some live examples: - Displays here with all prefixes in threads - Displays here but only with a few of the prefixes (not all) - Doesn't display here or here, even...
  6. [The Piper]

    Sign Up Button Links Directly To Sign Up Form

    Works like a charm! Thank you so much, that was very nice of you!!!
  7. [The Piper]

    Sign Up Button Links Directly To Sign Up Form

    Thanks a lot for that. However, I still prefer the general look of the /login/ page, though. I appreciate your help, though! :)
  8. [The Piper]

    Sign Up Button Links Directly To Sign Up Form

    Thanks for the update! It works great. I have a suggestion/request, though: would it be possible to direct people to /login/ instead of /register/? I ask that because on /register/ there is no possibility of the new user signing up with Facebook, Twitter or Google, and I'm afraid I could lose...
  9. [The Piper]

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    I still have vb2 links hanging around, which I'd also like to redirect. Would you (or anybody else) please provide me with the modifications required to make these great redirection scripts work for both links types, as you described below? Thanks a bunch in advance!
  10. [The Piper]

    Sign Up Button Links Directly To Sign Up Form

    Thanks a lot for posting, but the ZIP file appears empty to me too...
  11. [The Piper]

    XF 1.2 Notify user if action was taken

    It really would be great if this option was disabled by default or at least if we could have the option to change the default option either to enable or disable notification. So far, I have only notified maybe 2 or 3 users, when I ended up approving their registration. It really is distracting...
  12. [The Piper]

    Double traffic drop after moving from vB 3.8

    Would you please share your template modification? I'm looking forward to doing that on my website too... Many thanks in advance!
  13. [The Piper]

    Add-on [Pay] / XML datafeed in XenForo

    Hello there, I'm looking for someone who is willing to develop an add-on for XenForo 1.3 for the or XML datafeed (more information here and here). Basic requisites: 1) Fully integrated into XenForo's layout and widget framework; 2) Full store implemented from datafeed...
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