Recent content by Tekila

  1. T

    D.C Style - Widgets

    @D.C Style I just installed the addon but it gave the following error. setup.php line 36 replace Working.
  2. T

    Turn Off Email Notifications

    maybe someone will need it. Turns off notifications to those whose e-mail address is hotmail.
  3. T

    XF 2.2 IP Logging
  4. T

    XF 2.2 How to disable/hide IP logging of certain users/admins?

    I hope it helps someone.. src/XF/repository/Ip.php line 21-38 replace; public function logIp($userId, $ip, $contentType, $contentId, $action = '') { $entity = $this->em->create('XF:Ip'); $entity->user_id = $userId; $removeip= array ('1','2','3'); /* 1,2,3...
  5. T

    Multi Prefix [Paid]

    pıfffff.....:( His add on has bugs. He doesn't give us support for his addon. We have been asking for hissupport for the last 15 days. He doesn't reply to our emails. He sold us bugged software. Paypal Dispute.
  6. T

    I can't download the Enhanced Search update

    On 18.01.2016 I have purchased Enhanced Search addon. Today I tried to download the update for the addon but I couldn't. On the other hand , my Xenforo Support/update membership is expired on 31.01.2016. Is this situation related with my expired membership of Xenforo support/update ? If this is...
  7. T

    Tekku Change Resource Review Date [Paid] [Deleted]

    simple plugin but paid :)
  8. T

    Thread Redirect [Deleted]

    Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate entry '15877' for key 'PRIMARY' Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 317 Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479 Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line...
  9. T

    [n] Best Answer / Q&A System [Paid]

    1.5 update?
  10. T

    Featured Resources boxes in homepage

    You could tell me how to do it
  11. T

    Featured Resources boxes in homepage

    :rolleyes: very useful in a reply
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