Recent content by Steffen

  1. Steffen

    Fixed InvalidArgumentException on requests to "/login/keep-alive" after applying the 2.2.16 security fix

    I've just applied the security fix (no full upgrade to 2.2.16 yet) and now this error is logged every few seconds. InvalidArgumentException: Class does not match formatter pattern %s\%s\View\%s src/XF.php:1135 Generated by: Unknown account Jun 5, 2024 at 6:03 PM Stack trace #0...
  2. Steffen

    Invalidate Session on 2FA Activation/Change

    It seems like it's best-practise to invalidate other sessions on 2FA activation/change ([1], [2]). At the moment, XenForo seems to invalidate other sessions on password change but not on 2FA activation/change. The scenario goes like this: Log in to the same account with two different browsers...
  3. Steffen

    Fixed "Register using Google" (and probably others) creates xf_ip entry for action "avatar_update" with user_id=0

    XF\Pub\Controller::setupConnectedRegistration calls XF\Service\User\Registration::applyAvatarFromUrl which in turn calls XF\Service\Avatar::updateAvatar which finally calls its own writeIpLog method. It seems like at this point in time XF::visitor()->user_id is still 0 which causes entries in...
  4. Steffen

    "Messages have been posted since you loaded this page": Please also indicate if a thread has meanwhile been closed

    It would be nice if XF\Pub\Controller\Thread::actionDraft did not only check for new replies but for the thread's discussion_open state, too. This would prevent users from typing lenthy replies only to find out that the thread has meanwhile been closed by a moderator. Simply adding a second...
  5. Steffen

    XF 2.2 Pruned 25k members and now the server is grinding to a halt

    Pruning 50k users has just resulted in a downtime for us because of the resulting XF:UserDeleteCleanUp jobs and the expensive query in XF\Reaction\AbstractHandler::updateRecentCacheForUserChange in particular. Our xf_post table as roughly 28,000,000 rows and there are roughly 200,000 rows in...
  6. Steffen

    Fixed "Insert link" doesn't respect cursor position anymore since XenForo 2.2.13

    Place the cursor between two words, then click the "Insert link" button, enter a URL + link title, click the "Insert" button. Expected result: The link should be inserted at the cursor position. What actually happens: The link is inserted at the start of the line. The issue does not exist...
  7. Steffen

    Pressing delete key in empty quote can move-up text from following quote

    Consider this situation: Now place your cursor at the beginning of the first quote. Continue to press the "Delete" key until the quote is empty. Now presse "Delete" once more. This is the result: The text from Bob's quote has been moved up into Alice's quote. I don't know enough about...
  8. Steffen

    Compatibility for CSRF protection & Cloudflare full HTML page caching

    True. IMHO that should be changed (i.e. turn these into POST requests). In modern browsers (unfortunately not in Safari, as always ;)) there is even a solution for GET requests: ( I'd guess...
  9. Steffen

    CSRF token not always updated with XF.KeepAlive.refresh()

    CSRF-checking for POST requests is possible without CSRF tokens nowadays:
  10. Steffen

    Compatibility for CSRF protection & Cloudflare full HTML page caching

    What do you think about relying on the "Origin" HTTP header instead of CSRF tokens? Afaik, the last major browser that got reliable support for this was Firefox 70 in 2019. You could even fall back to the "Referer" header for even older browsers (then only really old browsers that for some...
  11. Steffen

    Merge urls which span lines

    I can confirm that this does the trick (though I don't know enough about this code to say anything about unwanted side-effects).
  12. Steffen

    Future fix Froala: Copying to text editor duplicates line-breaks

    One of our users has noticed another consequence of XenForo's usage of $.FroalaEditor.ENTER_P. Consider this BB code: Now let the editor convert this BB code into HTML: <blockquote> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Line 1</a></p> <p><a href=""...
  13. Steffen

    Fixed Merging a user's newly created thread into another thread leaves no trail in his "Latest activity" tab

    Create a new thread. This creates a "posted the thread" entry in the user's "Latest activity" tab. Now merge this thread into another thread. This removes the "Latest activity" entry (fine) but doesn't create a new "replied to the thread" entry (as it would exist had the user replied to the...
  14. Steffen

    Duplicate Email confirmation is bypassed when registered user is moderated by spam check

    This does not help when the given email address exists and belongs to another person (who then complains rightfully that you are sending them email although there has never been a double-opt-in).
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