Recent content by spicer

  1. spicer

    [Jazzaaf] xenAntiVirus

    Recently I have been receiving the following error: ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Trying to access array offset on value of type null src/addons/Jazzaaf/ #0 src/addons/Jazzaaf/xenAntiVirus/Cron/AttachmentCheck.php(111): XF::handlePhpError(2, '[E_WARNING] Try...', '/var/www/vhosts...', 111) #1...
  2. spicer

    [Jazzaaf] xenAntiVirus

    It works still. Why update?
  3. spicer

    Birthday calendar [Paid]

    Hi Since the update to 1.5 the calendar looks like this: Is it my configuration or is the error in the add-on update? Edit: Many thanks to @AndyB for solving the problem.
  4. spicer

    [TH] Donate

    Go to ... there on campain There you can delete the donations.
  5. spicer


    For me it works not :(
  6. spicer

    [TH] Donate

    Ah, that's my private Paypal account. I also use it for other purposes. Is that the problem? Then I can ignore this message?
  7. spicer

    [TH] Donate

    IPN has been working for a long time now. However, from time to time I receive the following email from Paypal: Check your server that processes instant payment confirmations (IPN) from PayPal. IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are not being received: If you do not...
  8. spicer

    User Activity by Xon

    It's the reason why I use [XenConcept] User Activity. Sorry
  9. spicer

    Birthday email [Paid]

    With "Now follows 'Receive news and update emails' preference settings." I will not update this addon :(
  10. spicer

    Add-on Addon for set attachement download conditions

    Can unauthorized users still view the attachment (just not download it)?
  11. spicer

    Add-on Addon for set attachement download conditions

    Can you show me how to do this using an example?
  12. spicer

    Add-on Addon for set attachement download conditions

    Is there an addon or can someone program it in which you can set the conditions when a user is allowed to download attachments? E.g. The user has at least a number of points The user is registered for at least a certain time etc
  13. spicer

    XF 2.2 **solved** cmd.php unexpected content

    LOL, I had taken the cmd.php from the LXC backup. With the cmd.php from the original archive the error is fixed. Thx
  14. spicer

    XF 2.2 **solved** cmd.php unexpected content

    Hello I have temporarily changed the content of the cmd.php file for testing. Afterwards I inserted the original content again. Since then, the file integrity test complains "unexpected content". Does anyone know why?
  15. spicer

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Is GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 possible?
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