Recent content by sam2019

  1. sam2019

    One sub forum with writing rights for guests - possible?

    I use this particular forum like a blog - if I require registration most ppl will find it too much work for a brief feedback.
  2. sam2019

    One sub forum with writing rights for guests - possible?

    does that not activate this setting for all nodes? OK, thanx, it works although its fairly un-intuitive I'd say.
  3. sam2019

    One sub forum with writing rights for guests - possible?

    I can not find that setting anywhere, the word "submit" does not exist on that page
  4. sam2019

    One sub forum with writing rights for guests - possible?

    I have done that and I can post as unregisted, BUT I get Your content has been submitted and will be displayed pending approval by a moderator. I have not specified this should be moderated, how can I switch that off?
  5. sam2019

    One sub forum with writing rights for guests - possible?

    My forum is set up so one has to register to write (anyone can read). I want one sub forum for feedback to be configured so guests can write there as well. is that possible?
  6. sam2019

    XF 2.2 No video with supported mime type found

    well, yes and no, firefox still makes this error, chrome does not
  7. sam2019

    XF 2.2 How to move logo within the width of the screen (not the forum width)

    I am trying to move the logo further to the left outside the boundaries of the forum itself. How is that possible.
  8. sam2019

    XF 2.1 How to move logo

    Not so simple. your solution only allows for relocation within the margins of the forum itself. I would like to move it within the margin of the screen width. but thanx for trying!
  9. sam2019

    XF 2.1 How to move logo

    I have the same problem
  10. sam2019

    XF 2.2 No video with supported mime type found

    problem seems to lie with the firefox I am using
  11. sam2019

    XF 2.2 No video with supported mime type found

    This comes up when I upload a 15MB mp4 clip that plays fine in VLC and other video players
  12. sam2019

    XF 2.2 An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.

    here we go again: (after a reload it works again)
  13. sam2019

    XF 2.2 An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.

    I have done nothing on the server side or even in the admin panel of the forum. the first symptom was that the forum came up without formatting on my mobile (impossible to access). then it did the same on my laptop, then when trying again while re-loading the browser it declined access...
  14. sam2019

    XF 2.2 How can I convert posts into a separate thread?

    do you know of an add on that can do it?
  15. sam2019

    XF 2.2 How can I convert posts into a separate thread?

    Is there a way to convert a conversation to a thread?
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