Recent content by Ray-

  1. R

    XF 2.1 Forum layout is broken

    My forum had the same issue today, but the error logs only showed 77350134. After adding SecRuleRemoveByID 77350134 to the .htaccess the problem was fixed. Are you sure you got the right ID?
  2. R

    XF 2.2 Troubles adding a code snippet to page header

    Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately the result is the same as my previous attempts. I'm assuming the js i'm trying to include is conflicting with something else.
  3. R

    XF 2.2 Troubles adding a code snippet to page header

    Since Adsense has shut me off for some time after illegal clicks or something, I wanted to try out Ezoic. I'm struggling with the simple task of adding an external .js along with 1 line of js to the <head>-section. I've tried adding it to helper_js_global right below <!--XF:JS--> <script...
  4. R

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums Importer

    @Jumuro, I was having the same problem. Didn't want to wait any longer so I figured out a way to reset all threads to unsolved:
  5. R

    XF 2.2 Reset all threads previously marked as solved

    Found a stupid workaround while using Batch update threads: Change all thread types to questions, then convert them to discussions, and back to questions. All threads will have their status back to 'open' again. In my case, since I have dedicated nodes for questions, this did the job. In case...
  6. R

    XF 2.2 Reset all threads previously marked as solved

    I previously used TH's Q&A addon, which became obsolete after XF integrated it in 2.2. I tried running an importer to convert the counters, but now all threads are marked as solved, and the last post in the thread is now set as the solution. Is there any way to revert all solved threads to open...
  7. R

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums Importer

    Thanks for the update. Ran the importer, but the previous version kinda screwed things up. All threads that didn't had a post marked as a solution, now marks the last post in the thread as the solution. if there isn't a reply, the first post is marked as the solution. This was done by the...
  8. R

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums Importer

    That's a long conversation you're having there @Dalton Prock (j/k, just a friendly reminder...)
  9. R

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums Importer

    Any update @Dalton Prock? ('No' is an answer too, I'd just like to know when I can enable q&a again, or if I should forget about the votes from the past year and start over again)
  10. R

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums Importer

    Are there any updates (or workarounds) for this?
  11. R

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums Importer

    Before others are trying to convert their q&a's, according to @Dalton Prock this issue will be resolved in the next update. Since my q&a-threads are now displaying wrong 'best' answers, I'd suggest waiting for the fix.
  12. R

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums Importer

    I'm having the exact same error. I'll create a ticket.
  13. R

    [TH] Question and Answer Forums [Deleted]

    I was wondering what would happen with this addon. Thanks for the excellent support, sorry for the effort you guys put into this.
  14. R

    Is Xenforo easy to use?

    It's quite simple with a few CSS adjustment. After converting from vBulletin 3, it was one of the very few things I've changed on my forum: As for the rest of your questions. IMO XF is like VB, but easier to use, better out-of-the-box functionality (it depends on what...
  15. R

    XF 2.2 Welcome to XenForo 2.2 / What's still to come

    Will have to get used to the looks of the editor, but the new features are sexy. Also very happy to see PWA getting adopted here. Good job guys.
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