Recent content by PumpinIron

  1. PumpinIron

    XF 2.3 Members are unable to receive thread watch email notifications

    The forum in question is For whatever reason or another, members are unable to receive thread watch email notifications. Email notifications work for new conversations and responses to conversations, but they are not working for thread watch notifications. I've...
  2. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Search from a members profile seems to be broken

    Solved All I had to do was rebuild the search caches. Duh!
  3. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Search from a members profile seems to be broken

    Search seems to be broken from a member's profile page. It is showing results from 2022 after the first couple entries, See below. I have checked this last few days and it happens no matter which member's posts I am searching. As you'll see below there's a huge gap in the results:
  4. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 X / Twitter embeds randomly stopped working

    As of yesterday it appears, out of nowhere the Twitter embeds stopped working on my forum. Whereas the embedded Twitter post used to show up, now you just see this: Many of my users are reporting the same thing. No idea why it just started yesterday. I didn't touch anything or upgrade any...
  5. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Uploaded videos not working for iPhone 15 Pro Max users (also can't upload photos)

    XF 2.2 - iPhone 15 Pro Photo Uploads - "The uploaded image is too big" That solved part of the issue. Now I need to see if it solved the video issue. Let me talk to the members and report back.
  6. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Uploaded videos not working for iPhone 15 Pro Max users (also can't upload photos)

    Nope, it’s something do with the file type that the iPhone 15 is generating.
  7. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Uploaded videos not working for iPhone 15 Pro Max users (also can't upload photos)

    I’ve been getting a lot of forum members telling me that they can’t get any of the uploaded videos on my forum to work. Everyone who tells me this is using an iPhone 15 Pro Max (not sure why that particular phone seems to be affected). YouTube and other embedded videos are fine, it's just...
  8. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to lock an account after X amount of failed login attempts?

    Yep, I saw that. Even with everything enabled the option still doesn't show up:
  9. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to lock an account after X amount of failed login attempts?

    I've got several users asking to use 2FA. It's enabled under the user group permissions in the ACP, but when you go to the front end, then to password and security, all you see is this: What am I missing?
  10. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to lock an account after X amount of failed login attempts?

    Do you know where the 2FA setting is in the ACP? I'm searching but I can't seem to find what section it's under.
  11. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to lock an account after X amount of failed login attempts?

    Yep, it is enabled. That makes this all even more confusing.
  12. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to lock an account after X amount of failed login attempts?

    Alright, then that really begs the question of how these well known members with strong passwords are getting their accounts hacked.
  13. PumpinIron

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to lock an account after X amount of failed login attempts?

    My forum is suffering a problem as of lately with user accounts being hacked. What's happening (near as I can tell) is that hackers from overseas are getting into members accounts by guessing their passwords. Since some of these guys have strong passwords I have to imagine they are doing this...
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