Recent content by PresentingTulip

  1. P

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to retain color & size formatting when copy and pasting?

    One of our forum users just asked us about this. He likes to use color and larger font, and as far as I can see, this styling is not retained when copying. I read that apparently this is not configurable with native Xenforo, so is there any addons that can be used for this? Or is this just not...
  2. P

    XF 1.5 How to integrate adsense script?

    Thanks! Inserted my code now.
  3. P

    XF 1.5 How to integrate adsense script?

    Thanks Brogan! Will check it out.
  4. P

    XF 1.5 How to integrate adsense script?

    Referring to this
  5. P

    XF 2.0 A question regarding expiry

    No. The license grants you access to support & updates. When the license expires, you won't get access to ticket support, and you won't be able to get updates. But you will be able to use the previous versions. Somebody higher up correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. P

    XF 1.5 How to integrate adsense script?

    How do I integrate adsense into the index page? I don't see how to copy/paste the script?
  7. P

    XF 1.5 How to change the xenforo image in the facebook preview?

    Title says it all. I want to change the default xenforo image
  8. P

    XF 1.5 How to stop emails being sent for conversation/post replies

    Title. I don't want to lose my entire wallet to mailgun. I want to disable it globally.
  9. P

    XF 1.5 Stop email notifications on PMs/replies

    Is there a way to do this? I'm talking about for ALL users, not just in the settings for one.
  10. P

    XF 1.5 More cron options?

    I checked the settings, but it didn't seem like there was a way to make it execute every X minutes, just a certain minute on the hour.
  11. P

    XF 1.5 More cron options?

    Hey, so is there a way with an addon to make some crons run more often? Right now for our site the cron for user group promotions runs 20 minutes after every hour. Is there a way we can make the cron run more frequently with an addon?
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