Recent content by Ouddict

  1. Ouddict

    Not a bug Users without edit conversation permission can edit.

    🙏🙏🙏 thank you, @Mr Lucky . solved the problem thanks to you. much appreciate it.
  2. Ouddict

    Not a bug Users without edit conversation permission can edit.

    Despite "Member" user group doesn't have permission to edit messages in conversations, they still can. I've tested it by making a test account "GlossyBean" which has the default permission and confirmed it can edit other participants' messages freely.
  3. Ouddict

    XF 2.1 Finally considering upgrade to XF 2.1

    Damn... this sounds scary, but I have to undergo the same process before my forum gets too big. Its a niche forum founded in 2016 with just over 60,000 posts and about to undergo massive transformation and hopefully rapid growth. So... here goes
  4. Ouddict

    XF 1.4 Generating user email list without usernames

    I just tried it and it doesn't
  5. Ouddict

    Hi Allan, could you please take a look at the query I sent to you via PM, thanks!

    Hi Allan, could you please take a look at the query I sent to you via PM, thanks!
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