Recent content by New Rogernomics

  1. New Rogernomics

    [OzzModz] Private Threads [Paid]

    I get this when I try to use it: XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [1054]: Unknown column 'snog_canview' in 'field list' in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 230 XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 198...
  2. New Rogernomics

    [FOX] Ultimate Translator [Paid]

    I discovered that it relates specifically to the whatsnew block that exists in the default style, but does not exist for some custom themes: Once I added it in as above, it worked perfectly.
  3. New Rogernomics

    [FOX] Ultimate Translator [Paid]

    Good add-on, only problem I am having is with custom styles like those by stylesfactory. This add-on seems to require it to be on the default style to work if the style edits this area here: Whereas on default style it looks like this: Custom style was this...
  4. New Rogernomics

    [tl] Game Server Listing [Paid]

    Edit: Figured it out. It needs to use GameQ and not the default examples, which use: Truonglv\GameServers\Games\ So, when using Rust for example: Now it gives this error when leaving the join link format blank or trying to use a...
  5. New Rogernomics

    [AP] Pokedex [Paid]

    Noticed a weird bug:
  6. New Rogernomics

    Account link to preferences page broken

    It is the default style, with only minor cosmetic changes. That isn't the issue. I tracked down the issue to Apathy's Pokedex addon. The instant I disabled it the issue went away.
  7. New Rogernomics

    Account link to preferences page broken

    The account link to preferences page is broken: And using the direct link doesn't seem to work either:
  8. New Rogernomics

    [cv6] Dice Roller

    I get the following error when trying to roll dice from 2.1.0 RC2: I get this error when trying to roll dice from 2.1.0. RC1: 2.0.7 works fine for me, so I keep using that.
  9. New Rogernomics

    XF 2.2 How to add a group legend in footer?

    If you are trying to put it in widget_members_online, it really depends on the theme you are using. If you are using the default XenForo theme, which I base the themes I designed after, look for something like this: <div class="block-footer"> <span class="block-footer-counter">{{...
  10. New Rogernomics

    [tl] Thread Auto Reply [Paid]

    Thank you for the prompt update. It is working great now. :love:
  11. New Rogernomics

    [tl] Thread Auto Reply [Paid]

    How it should work is: Item A: Delegate Content: Link to the Delegate's office Item B: Mandate Content: Here is the Twelfth mandate.... What happens instead is: Item A: Delegate Content: Here is the Twelfth mandate.... Item B: Mandate Content: Here is the Twelfth mandate.... This is...
  12. New Rogernomics

    [tl] Thread Auto Reply [Paid]

    I run a RP forum. I've noticed a few bugs, one is related to functioning of the add-on. On forums view in Admin area: At least one auto-reply keyword will bug, when keywords are in the same node, and take the content from another auto-reply keyword option: I have a keyword called...
  13. New Rogernomics

    [AddonFlare] XF2 Awards System [Deleted]

    The link was more case sensitive than many other addons, it required rather than just
  14. New Rogernomics

    [AddonFlare] XF2 Awards System [Deleted]

    Edit: Issue was resolved.
  15. New Rogernomics

    Game Forum -

    New to XenForo, so I am still figuring out how templates and css works here. So I wouldn't mind some suggestions or feedback on how I have set it up so far. Had to rush some things. So I have put stuff in extra.less that I probably should have used the styles properties area for. Planning to...
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