Recent content by ncrs

  1. ncrs

    XF 2.2 Change the height of the header background image

    You suggestion for the height worked to increase the size of the header. How do I increase the size of my logo to fill it. My logo is more than large enough to fill the space at 17185x570 I would think.
  2. ncrs

    XF 2.0 Super Admin locked out

    What do I need to do to generate the password hash?
  3. ncrs

    XF 2.0 Import from VB3.8 to XF2.0: what are the pros/cons of Retain content IDs ?

    Anomandaris, I also wish to retain content ID's. I hope someone will step up and answer your question for both of us. Do I need to delete the existing Main Category and Main Forum? Do I need to delete all users? If I delete all users how do I log in to run the import script? Right now I...
  4. ncrs

    xenForo Manual

    No, I haven't purchased XenForo yet. I would like to understand some of the features and how to set it up before making the purchase.
  5. ncrs

    xenForo Manual

    Is there at manual to help a user get started with xenForo? I would prefer that to hunting and pecking thorough all of the setup options to figure out what does what.
  6. ncrs

    I am looking at the Enhanced Search for Xenforo.

    Thanks for the reply. I guess the best thing is to go with Xenforo first to see how the built in search function works. Then I can decide if I need to do something to improve it or not.
  7. ncrs

    I am looking at the Enhanced Search for Xenforo.

    Thanks for the reply. I wonder if you could add Elasticsearch later if it seemed like your searches were becoming an issue for your users?
  8. ncrs

    I am looking at the Enhanced Search for Xenforo.

    In looking over Enhanced Search I found that I had to install Elasticsearch for it to work. It looked like a major undertaking to install and a drain on server resources. Is the basic search function in Xenforo so bad that I need to install this. I am considering converting from VB with a forum...
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