Recent content by nathanmiller

  1. N

    Remaining Posts in Thread View

    nathanmiller updated Remaining Posts in Thread View with a new update entry: Remaining Posts Link Style Change Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. N

    Remaining Posts in Thread View - Remaining Posts Link Style Change

    The remaining posts link is now styled like a button in the same row (Prev, Next, 1, 2, ...). See it in action on Thanks to @Andro for the suggestion. All associated code is available on github:
  3. N

    Alert Improvements by Xon

    OK this seems to be having an unexpected behavior for me - am I doing something wrong or do I need to downgrade? Expected behavior (and what downgrade did): reactions are marked read as soon as the alert button is clicked quotes and subscribed threads remain unread until clicked Current...
  4. N

    Alert Improvements by Xon

    Since upgrading this morning (I was a few versions behind), when clicking the Alert counter, they all instantly get marked as read - is there a way to disable this?
  5. N

    Remaining Posts in Thread View 1.1.0

    This enables a simple, small, clickable message at the bottom of thread views where there are more posts on later pages. It shows a number of posts remaining: "8 More Posts..." and clicking it takes one to the next page.
  6. N

    Remaining Posts in Thread View

    nathanmiller submitted a new resource: Remaining Posts in Thread View - Adds a 'x more posts' link to the bottom right of thread views Read more about this resource...
  7. N

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    Ah okay, thank you!
  8. N

    XF 2.1 Looking for help with a simple addon

    Thanks! Will look into xf:callback this evening and see if that makes more sense to me. I appreciate the response!
  9. N

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    @JoshyPHP first off thank you so much for an amazing extension. I've got some weird behavior with imgur links, where they look great on desktop but on mobile, they cut off and don't resize like other images, causing users to see mostly the big grey border to the left and right and not the image...
  10. N

    XF 2.1 Looking for help with a simple addon

    Hi all, I'm just looking for any help here. I'm sure it's a simple bridge to gap and I'm just missing something simple that would enable me to finish this, test it, put it on github, and write up an explanation for others to follow in my footsteps. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any...
  11. N

    Fixed Marking Private Conversations Unread Is Not Bolding The PC Title

    Hey, just coming here because I noticed the same issue and it was marked duplicate (which makes sense). It's been over a month since this was reported - any news here?
  12. N

    Duplicate Conversations that are "marked unread" are not reset properly to actually be unread

    I have some styling in extra.less that changes the color of read conversations in the conversation popup menu based on :not(.menu-row--highlighted) since that's what the "unread" conversations have that the read ones don't (which is kinda silly since the alerts do the opposite and style the read...
  13. N

    XF 2.1 Looking for help with a simple addon

    Hello, can anyone help here? Thanks!
  14. N

    XF 2.1 Looking for help with a simple addon

    Bump. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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