Recent content by MySiteGuy

  1. MySiteGuy

    XF 2.2 "NEW" showing for imported users

    I don't know about any guides, though I'm not ruling out one on the forums. It's been since way back in the early Xenforo 1.x days since I needed to do anything like that before I wrote my incremental importer
  2. MySiteGuy

    XF 2.2 Local PC, login Trouble due to Recaptcha Use phpMyAdmin in your web hosting control panel to run the query in that resource.
  3. MySiteGuy

    Fixed PHP 8.3 compatibility patch

    Companies tend to prefer stability over bleeding edge, especially since you don't know which bleeding edge technology is going to win out for the long run. The life cycle up to PHP 5.6 was much better, with a longer span before EOL of security updates. There's a reason so many companies opt...
  4. MySiteGuy

    XF 2.2 "NEW" showing for imported users

    If you do another import, it will have two copies of the original forum posts and threads, private messages, etc. The second set of items will not have retained ids. You do not want to do this. I recommend downloading your theme, and upload that into a fresh Xenforo installation. Then do a...
  5. MySiteGuy

    XF 2.2 PHP 8.2 should I upgrade?

    Upgrade only if the latest version of add-ons you're using are compatible with PHP 8.2.
  6. MySiteGuy

    download multiple files via external URL links

    You should reply to what I actually said, not to something I didn't say. I said a zip file can hold multiple files and work with Windows, Linux and Mac. I said nothing about size. Most forums aren't offering downloads that big. Because you find it useful does not mean everyone does, or that...
  7. MySiteGuy

    download multiple files via external URL links

    It absolutely is the case. You can put several files into a zip, and upload the zip to a cloud service where they can be downloaded. I send groups of files to clients all the time like this. And Windows, Mac and Linux absolutely support zip format.
  8. MySiteGuy

    Third party Could not resolve host:

    I don't recommend using Solve Media, because they are winding down their services to smaller publishers, and have been sending "we will no longer provide this service" to many. I've had two clients hit by this so far. Also, despite them saying so, they do not monetize. One client tried them...
  9. MySiteGuy

    Fixed Media mirroring feature makes disk space limitations useless

    So, separation of your work and personal time is important to you? That's what my initial post was about. Take it to heart.
  10. MySiteGuy

    Fixed Media mirroring feature makes disk space limitations useless

    No insinuation. I'm flat out saying you were quick to criticize about Xenforo staff for not responding fast enough for your liking, yet when someone provided a fix it took almost a week to respond to them (yet you claimed this was critical).
  11. MySiteGuy

    Vb4 to XF migration : first steps

    Note that VB5 galleries are not imported by Xenforo's importer. I have that in my suite of custom importers, and it's been tested with millions of gallery attachments (that's one site that had millions, plus several with less). Also, note that if you have custom user groups, chances are high...
  12. MySiteGuy

    Fixed Code syntax highlighting very difficult to read

    I don't believe that system was ever meant to cover every programming language. Besides, that's not the same issue this bug report is about.
  13. MySiteGuy

    Fixed Code syntax highlighting very difficult to read

    Because the templates aren't written in Golang.
  14. MySiteGuy

    Fixed Media mirroring feature makes disk space limitations useless

    This thread lives up to the saying about those who are quick to criticize and slow to praise.
  15. MySiteGuy

    Fixed Media mirroring feature makes disk space limitations useless

    You tagged names on their weekend time, about 21 hours after posted the topic. If your employer intruded on your personal time for a non-emergency, how would you feel? Let people have their personal time, your forum is not going to end over this. It will likely be addressed in the next...
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