Recent content by mrdoitnyce

  1. M

    XF 2.3 Embed your content anywhere

    does this work with/for third party add-ons? I use wordpress as my main index/landing page but i want to embed my third party forum statistics.
  2. M

    Featured threads lite [Paid]

    is there an option to display only the attachment of the post? possibly in a grid style? this is something i've wanted for a long time.
  3. M

    xenForo cookie notice and Compliance with Google’s EU User Consent Policy

    how exactly do i add this to my privacy policy? when i go to help pages>privacy policy ...all i see is XF codes
  4. M

    [XTR] Account Upgrades Page [Paid]

    has this been updated to work with 2.2.15 & 2.3?
  5. M

    Image Attachments Display

    Hey All, I normally create resources and first thing I insert is an image followed by text under the image. I also set this up to automatically created threads in certain forums. My issue is, when I directly insert images from my pc, they look like this: " view attachment " in the threads...
  6. M

    Add-on Subscribe to User

    thats crazy. I always thought once you " follow " someone, you see all their activity including being alerted to their posts.
  7. M

    Add-on Subscribe to User

    doesnt " follow " does the same?
  8. M

    XF 2.2 Sitemap server error log

    Hey all, This just popped up for me. Any idea what could possibly cause this? I know what it means, But I've had XF for about 3 months now and this never popped up before. Could it caused by an add-on? I haven't installed any addons recently. How can I fix this??
  9. M

    My Ultimate Home Page [PAID]

    Hey All, I'm looking for a dev to create an add-on specific for my site. Context: I currently have run a music website. its been up and running for about 3 months now. Everything's fine except for the fact that I don't currently have a decent homepage/landing page to show off the albums. I...
  10. M

    What's the main *disadvantage* of Xenforo cloud vs self-hosting?

    its a great way to learn how to setup/run/manage a website ....for beginners. I use self hosted and i'm a first time site ower. I came into this not knowing ****. Everything is pretty straightforward with guides every step of the way. if you have a brain comming in, everythings super easy. if...
  11. M

    [XenConcept] Advanced Resource Rule [Paid]

    ohh. was it working fine on the previous version or did u just buy it? Regardless, I'm sure they'll be in touch with you soon. Hope you get it fixed soon.
  12. M

    [XenConcept] Advanced Resource Rule [Paid]

    are you using the latest version? i had issues as well and he updated it and i had no more issues.
  13. M

    [XenConcept] Advanced Resource Rule [Paid]

    can i add html in this?
  14. M

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to add html to particular Resource Fields
  15. M

    XF 2.2 change background

    where did you enter html{background: red;}? in extra.less outside the previous code? or within the pagewrapper code parameters? edit: nvm, figured it out.
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