Recent content by motowebmaster

  1. motowebmaster

    MG 2.2 Thumbnails not showing at all or Updating

    Found this old thread, due to a similar issue in Media with a particular user's recent images. The thumbnails were not generating on his images. Had him email me one of them, and uploaded it myself, same result. Added ActorMike's code to my config and now it works. So what did I do, and is...
  2. motowebmaster

    What is your self-hosted SMTP solution? We are testing Postal at the moment, with speed issues

    Good info in this thread. After acquiring another forum, and merging a percentage of it's content into my own, I used a email cleaning service to audit my entire combined user profile emails. Disabled all of the invalid email/profiles with posts, and deleted the invalid email/profiles with no...
  3. motowebmaster

    Who has enabled PHP JIT? Have you seen benefits with XenForo code or others code bases like Wordpress?

    I've been running with JIT enabled for a few months, enabled earlier this year. It did improve site performance.
  4. motowebmaster

    Should I change my current Hosting requirements or even a change of host?

    I created and deleted a few Hetzner instances before committing and moving websites. Used an extra domain to host basic XF and WP installations in order to blow things up and take notes along the way. Nothing wrong with developing a low-cost model. For the folks being exposed to a large number...
  5. motowebmaster

    [AL] Core Package

    Issue resolved, my FTP wasn't uploading these files.
  6. motowebmaster

    [AL] Core Package

    It may be these 15 files that are missing. When I try to delete the addon files via XFAdmin I'm seeing a permissions error on these files, but when I login at the command line and manually check they aren't there: src/addons/AddonsLab/Core/vendor/league/csv/.github/
  7. motowebmaster

    [AL] Core Package

    Can't upgrade, says files are missing. removed all of the addon files and the error message is that 15 files are missing.
  8. motowebmaster

    Implemented Markup improvements for Google

    I've copied the default code for post and message macros templates to my custom template. Seems to have made a difference, we'll see if Google loves me again :rolleyes:
  9. motowebmaster

    Implemented Markup improvements for Google

    I may not be reading this thread closely enough, but did a validation on my site regarding the Missing field "author" issue and it isn't validating. However, I'm am seeing a data-author setting in my code. I'm on v2.2.15. Am I looking at this properly? Wondering if Google is validating against...
  10. motowebmaster

    Should I change my current Hosting requirements or even a change of host?

    That's not cool, but admittedly I worked with Litespeed a couple years ago on my config after a conflict with a previous addon I'm no longer using. I'm not having that problem, but appreciate the insight.
  11. motowebmaster

    Should I change my current Hosting requirements or even a change of host?

    Are you referring to the Litespeed Cache addon? What did it do?
  12. motowebmaster

    Should I change my current Hosting requirements or even a change of host?

    I've never subscribed to Knownhost, but have helped some forums who have. Their platform and service level is nice. Am a big fan of Litespeed, you might check out the their direct pricing options. I don't personally use Cpanel, but they do have some migration options and it may be worthwhile...
  13. motowebmaster

    What was your solution for the Google Adsense deadline on Jan 16, 2024?

    In a way, they already have with the Cookie Consent feature. For now, if you want to utilize the Google/Adsense/GDPR option you would have to go to your Adsense Admin site, make some choices, and decide which implementation you prefer. Apparently Google will automatically do it for you if you...
  14. motowebmaster

    What was your solution for the Google Adsense deadline on Jan 16, 2024?

    I implemented the Google GDPR message at least a couple months ago, and disabled the Xenforo Cookie Consent feature a bit later. Don't take this advice, but am letting Google Manage who they show the GDPR Message/Consent to. I think it has been beneficial to my site. For me, the statistics...
  15. motowebmaster

    Pros and Cons of Dedicated Server vs Cloud VPC ?

    I went from dedicated to cloud. Currently using Hetzner in Germany, but considering a move back to the U.S with Hetzner. Running some smaller instances alongside my primary server - using Hetzner's firewall and private networking features. For example, my Elasticsearch server is a tiny instance...
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