Recent content by mkucuksari

  1. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    Great news, many thanks 🙏 👏
  2. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    @willl , @mattrogowski will there be an update for XF 2.3 ? I hope yes, because I really love UI.X2 and it is still best theme for me.
  3. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    Many thanks for this quick update. 👍
  4. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    Many thanks for this free great support. @willl
  5. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    Many thanks for this quick update. (y)
  6. mkucuksari

    Editor & BB Code Manager

    For post templates, you can try this addon. 😉 It was same for me and this addon solves my problem.
  7. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    Many thanks for this hotfix. 👏👏 My problem is fixed and it is working now. (y)
  8. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    Thanks for your quick reply. I have replied your last message on my ticket.
  9. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    Any chance to look at this problem @willl , @mattrogowski , @Jake B. ?
  10. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    I have just noticed a small bug at IOS mobile. At "Notable Members" page, "Members" tab does not show pop-up menu. At default thema it is working as it should be. If you can fixed it when you have time, it will be great. Many thanks. When I click "Members" tab
  11. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    Many thanks for the update. 🤗
  12. mkucuksari

    UI.X 2

    I was also waiting it. Many thanks for your support. (y)
  13. mkucuksari

    [OzzModz] XFOptimize - Minify, Preconnect & Preload [Deleted]

    I am testing and getting this error on my demo site. If you wish, I can create a new admin account and share with you as private message and you can check the issue on my demo site. ;) Can't wait to see the result of your final decision :love:(y)
  14. mkucuksari

    [OzzModz] XFOptimize - Minify, Preconnect & Preload [Deleted]

    After a long time later, getting a new upgrade for this great addon is very nice. Just upgraded and tested at my demo site. a- Still getting the same warning that I had shared before at the following post Plus a new warning preload- message as...
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