Recent content by Mike-1706

  1. Mike-1706

    RSS Feed - News ticker as a banner?

    Hello and good morning. Tried yesterday the RSS Feed option with my forum! So two things were great if this could be possible? 1. Running a ticker on the beginning of the Forums... something like this It's only a example!! Any news in this "window" came from right to the left.... like in...
  2. Mike-1706

    Discord Integration [Paid]

    Update: Naz helped me to fix this error! Now everything works fine. Thank you!
  3. Mike-1706

    XF 2.2 Getting the follwing error

    Hopefully now in the right thread? Sorry! Mike
  4. Mike-1706

    Discord Integration [Paid]

    So I write it here, after an advice... and hopefully this is the right thread? Hello together New to this (XenForo and also to the discord add on)!! Got these error since 3 or 4 days.. I'm new with his and don't know what error it is and how to solve it (sorry). Installed the Discord Add on...
  5. Mike-1706

    XF 2.2 Getting the follwing error

    Hello together Got these error since 3 or 4 days.. I'm new with his and don't know what error it is and how to solve it (sorry). Installed the Discord Add on from NixFifty. So it depends on it (that what I see) TypeError: XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity::__construct()...
  6. Mike-1706

    General positioning of the icon for the language selection in the menu bar at the top

    My suggestion is to general positioning the icon for the language selection in the menu bar at the top. Since I am German, but also have visitors/users from English-speaking countries, they cannot immediately find the icon at the bottom of the bar to change their language. It would be better...
  7. Mike-1706

    XF 2.2 Change lenguage selection button to the top

    Hello DevPunk I'm new on XenForo and this topic, so excuse my inquiries. Do I have to completely replace this passage with your suggestion here so that the icon appears at the top? <a href="{{ link('conversations') }}" class="p-navgroup-link...
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