Recent content by markjd

  1. M

    Ad Manager for Xenforo?

    Hi, I basically have a 10 forums and I want to display a different advertisement on each forum. Example, if my forum is about cars and one is a GMC forum, I want to put a banner advertisement for a local GMC dealership that will display only on that GMC forum page, but then have a different...
  2. M

    Setup a form on blog that auto-posts to xenforo forum

    I want to basically have an option on my blog that users fill out a question form which would then post to the xenforo forum user-questions. does anyone have an addon they recommend or an effective way to get this done. thanks.
  3. M

    XenWord Pro [Deleted]

    Is it possible that I can have a form on my wordpress page, like ask a question, etc, and then the question the user provides is posted to a specific forum.
  4. M

    XF 1.5 Redirecting URL Issue

    yes, there are two .htaccess files, one in the webroot directory, and one in the forums directory (where i installed xenforo) i have tried a # of combinations in .htaccess using mod_rewrite but none have worked so far, the most recent one I tried is: RewriteRule ^forums$...
  5. M

    XF 1.5 Redirecting URL Issue

    @Mike thanks for the response. webroot is defined as root directory in cakephp. define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); define('WEBROOT_DIR', 'webroot'); define('WWW_ROOT', ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . WEBROOT_DIR . DS); the main site will run from webroot, and i want the forum to run from...
  6. M

    XF 1.5 Redirecting URL Issue

    Hello All, Please be easy on me I am a newbie :-/ I recently purchased and installed xenforo in a cakephp environment. The install location for the forum is domain-name/app/webroot/forums/ I want it so that the url path is domain-name/forums/ but when I go there it redirects me to...
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