Recent content by lightspeed

  1. lightspeed

    Amazon/eBay Parser

    Tthis is what I did to change the text size and add some padding @Sal Collaziano : 1. Go to "Appearance > Search Templates" 2. Search for "snog_amazon_ebay_affiliate_disclosure" 3. Change this line: <div class="u-muted"> 4. To this: <div class="u-muted" style="font-size...
  2. lightspeed

    Multiple Licenses

    The multiple license discount has moved to the bottom of this page:
  3. lightspeed

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    As a work around, I have been "hacking" the link in the address bar to remove the duplicate part. That way I can still view most of the pages with this issue.
  4. lightspeed

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    Here's a list of my 3rd party addons. @Alternadiv do you have any of these installed? [FF] StopForumSpam Flag Selector 1.0.2 [Liam W] (RIP) Member Self Delete 2.0.5 Patch Level 5 [OzzModz] Amazon/eBay URL parser 2.1.2 Patch Level 1 [OzzModz] Global User Ignore 2.0.0 2 [OzzModz] Member’s Local...
  5. lightspeed

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    When I click the "eye slash" icon, it works OK and takes me to the "Ignored Potential Tags" page. The "Ignored Potential Tags" page is working OK and the "Ordered by" and word search works on this page.
  6. lightspeed

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    @mazzly I'm still having page not found issues. I'm on Xenforo v2.2.7 Patch 1. ------------------ 1. When I change the "Ordered by" dropdown or enter a search term, and then click on the "Go" button. I get the following: It looks like the URL is doubling up in the address bar...
  7. lightspeed

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    There are no errors in the Xenforo error log after this occurs.
  8. lightspeed

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    I must say this is an awesome plugin! I'm running into a few little problems though. 1. On the "Potential Tags" screen /admin.php?tags/potential if I try to filter by a word or change the sorting order I get the following: 2. On the "Explore words" screen /admin.php?tags/potential-explore...
  9. lightspeed

    WikiPost [Paid]

    WikiPost 1.0.4
  10. lightspeed

    WikiPost [Paid]

    @JulianD I've just experienced the same problem as this member. When trying to revert a WikiPost to an earlier version with the "Require summary of changes" setting enabled, it's giving the following error: The problem is, there's no box to enter the changes into when reverting a WikiPost.
  11. lightspeed

    Amazon/eBay Parser

    @Ozzy47 I've figured out this bug and a couple of others by taking a look at the plugin files. Bug 1: In the Html.php file, the rule with 'm.' is replacing the "" and "" in the URL's: $searchdomain = str_replace(['www.', 'deals.', 'rover.', 'cgi.', 'm.', 'pages.'], ''...
  12. lightspeed

    Amazon/eBay Parser

    @David G does this plugin work on links for you? It doesn't work for or links even after correcting the Html.php spelling error. Interesting to note that links don't work either. It appears that any link which contains something...
  13. lightspeed

    [FF] StopForumSpam Flag Selector

    Thankyou for creating this plugin, I have been wanting this option for a very long time!
  14. lightspeed

    [AddonFlare] XF2 Ignore/Block Essentials [Deleted]

    I think our only hope is to keep on voting here to try and get the ignore/block system into the core:
  15. lightspeed

    [OzzModz] Global User Ignore (Tachy Goes to Coventry)

    Awesome plugin! However there's just a couple of issues I've noticed: 1. If the globally ignored member was the last poster in a thread before they were globally ignored, their name and avatar will show up as the last poster. This means the existing members will work out something's going on...
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