Recent content by kyamwilldig

  1. kyamwilldig

    XF 2.2 Hi, Could anyone help with installing Xenforo?

    if i remember correctly people in the community use to do it for cheaper? not sure if members still do this hence the post, if not ill use Xenforo.
  2. kyamwilldig

    XF 2.2 Hi, Could anyone help with installing Xenforo?

    Hi, i use to run a site a long time ago, I've decided i want to get it back up and running and start from scratch, but i have no idea on the initial Xenforo upload if anyone could help thanks.
  3. kyamwilldig

    XF 2.2 Ive been locked out of my account

    Hi not sure what to do about this, i logged in too many times and have locked myself out of my account, I've reset the password but it still wont let me log in?
  4. kyamwilldig

    Upload Xenforo for me

    Hey, im looking to pay someone to upload xenforo for me
  5. kyamwilldig

    XF 1.5 Need Help With Restoring It Back To 1.5

    yeah thats what im looking for im willing to pay for someone to come and do it for me i just have no clue on who knows how
  6. kyamwilldig

    XF 1.5 Need Help With Restoring It Back To 1.5

    i had a guy that was doing it for me and i have no idea what he actually did and ive been left with a blank xenforo page with nothing on it
  7. kyamwilldig

    XF 1.5 Need Help With Restoring It Back To 1.5

    okay so how do i go about doing this?
  8. kyamwilldig

    XF 1.5 Need Help With Restoring It Back To 1.5

    Updated my forums and couldn't get the addons i wanted for the new 2.0 so went back to 1.5 and i've lost all my users all my addons and its just a blank forums page with nothing on, i'm not any good with xenforo at all and i was wondering if anyone could help me with restoring it back to how it...
  9. kyamwilldig

    Cheers, took a while but got there in the end

    Cheers, took a while but got there in the end
  10. kyamwilldig

    Looking at buying the software

    If you want to copy my website all you have to do is ask, I hear copying someone is the best form of flattery :cool:
  11. kyamwilldig

    XF 1.5 Members Appearing Offline

    Its come to my attention that my users can appear offline, anyway i can disable this so they must appear online?
  12. kyamwilldig

    Fifa Pro Clubs Forums

    yeah the blue banner is changing its going to have images behind as soon as i get chance :)
  13. kyamwilldig

    Fifa Pro Clubs Forums

    What do you mean :)
  14. kyamwilldig

    Fifa Pro Clubs Forums

    So for the last few months i have been building a Fifa related site, i would like to know your first impression, and if possible tell me your suggestions. Thank you!
  15. kyamwilldig

    XF 1.5 Custom Node Icons

    background-image: url('@imagePath/xenforo/node-sprite.png'); @imagePath/xenforo/node-sprite.png this bit im putting my URL but it isnt working? Sorry if this is simple and im sounding dumb, im new to this and aint got a clue.
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