Recent content by Jon W

  1. Jon W

    facebook feeds -> xenforo forums

    I've not tested, but you should be able to do this using the RSS Feed Importer and something like this:
  2. Jon W

    [TH] Topics [Deleted]

    You probably want to think of Thread Topics in terms of making Nodes redundant, so All Threads etc. become the main way of finding content. There are some tools for doing this in the Admin Control Panel.
  3. Jon W

    XF 2.1 Set Column Width for Specific Forum

    No problem. Please do open up a ticket at ThemeHouse if you need help with our themes as it's quite hard for us to monitor every single post on this forum. I just happened to spot yours and was surprised that no-one had replied as it seemed fairly simple.
  4. Jon W

    [TH] Topics [Deleted]

    The only thing you can do is to not assign a topic to a forum. That way it will never be able to be selected as the first topic. You may have to change some of your forums around to make this work.
  5. Jon W

    XF 2.1 Set Column Width for Specific Forum

    Ah ok, I assumed because you posted here that you were asking about the default XenForo style. My mistake.
  6. Jon W

    XF 2.1 Set Column Width for Specific Forum

    Are you using the default style or another style?
  7. Jon W

    XF 2.1 Set Column Width for Specific Forum

    What exactly did it break, and what were you expecting it to do?
  8. Jon W

    XF 2.1 Set Column Width for Specific Forum

    Should be able to do it with something like this: html[data-container-key="node-1"] .p-body-sidebar { width: 160px; }
  9. Jon W

    Fixed Error when creating member statistic using relational field

    I added Profile.location to userSearcherOrders and it works fine unless I set it to show the value, in which case I get the following. TypeError: Argument 2 passed to XF\Service\MemberStat\Preparer::prepareCacheResults() must be of the type array, object given, called in...
  10. Jon W

    [TH] Monetize [Deleted]

    Please create a ticket with us to discuss.
  11. Jon W

    [TH] Monetize [Deleted]

    Have you created any sponsors?
  12. Jon W

    [TH] Monetize [Deleted]

    All I would say is that I don't think the two things are comparable, as a 2020 model car would quickly go out of date, while our add-ons will be constantly improved, which was all I was trying to point out. I'll pass on your feedback to our marketing team. I agree they have done a fantastic...
  13. Jon W

    [TH] Monetize [Deleted]

    For Amazon it should work absolutely fine.
  14. Jon W

    [TH] Monetize [Deleted]

    How does that add-on determine who is a sponsor and who isn't?
  15. Jon W

    [TH] Monetize [Deleted]

    As I said above, feel free to post some real examples if you are concerned. There will no doubt be URLs that won't be supported straight away, so if there are any URLs that you can't figure out from the documentation how you would make them work, please post them and if it doesn't support it...
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