Recent content by Jattitude

  1. Jattitude

    CTA Table BB Code

    I have been using this addon and its been working very well so far and I wonder if all the tables would stay the way they are when I upgrade to 2.0 or would I loose the formatting?
  2. Jattitude

    XF 2.0 Ads under first post only

    That worked for me. Thanks @Liam W
  3. Jattitude

    XF 2.0 Ads under first post only

    I tried using this : <xf:if is="{$post.position} % {$xf.options.messagesPerPage} == 0 AND {$thread.reply_count} > 0"> ads code here </xf:if> Page doesn't give any errors with this code but ads block does not show up atall. When I remove the if conditions, ads show up below ever single post...
  4. Jattitude

    XF 2.0 Ads under first post only

    Using xf:if breaks the thread view pages and throws a lot of error messages.
  5. Jattitude

    XF 2.0 Ads under first post only

    I have been using this to place the ads between first post and second post for 1.xx <xen:if is="{$post.position} % {$xenOptions.messagesPerPage} == 0 AND {$thread.reply_count} > 0"> Ads code here </xen:if> Using this ads wont appear below rest of the posts but this does not work with 2.0...
  6. Jattitude

    Disallowing Tags Page - Still get SEO Benefits?

    When you disallow /tags/ you are disallowing everything in that directory so individual tags pages wont be indexed either. SEOwise? Even the gods are wondering after the 25th of June update. I have no clue.
  7. Jattitude

    The search could not be completed. Please try again later.

    Disabling this option : "Enable recency weighted relevance searching with specified half-life (days):" Has restored search function and I am not getting any errors. I would appreciate if someone could tell me why enabling that option messes up the search function and what I can do to resolve this.
  8. Jattitude

    The search could not be completed. Please try again later.

    Also I have Nginx along with Apache in case thats interfering.
  9. Jattitude

    The search could not be completed. Please try again later.

    I have opcache, memcached and varnish on the server and I am running php 5.6 if that matters.
  10. Jattitude

    The search could not be completed. Please try again later.

    I have installed Elastic search and have Elastic search version 2.4.5 on the server. When I search something I get this error : The search could not be completed. Please try again later. Error log has this : XenForo_Exception: Elasticsearch error...
  11. Jattitude

    As designed Discussions Per Page is maxed out at 100

    Google does not understand that second page is part of the same discussion. Those who want the option to have more than 100 should have it and that includes me.
  12. Jattitude

    Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

    Tapatalk is feeding off of webmasters like us and they treat us like dirt. I have no trust in the way crap-a-talk conducts their business and I have removed it from every forum I run + got other friends to remove it as well. Dishonest company!
  13. Jattitude

    LiteSpeed Cache - Community

    @lsKevin Sorry to have wasted your time on this. This is what I was doing : I uploaded all the files correctly but when uploading the xml file I was uploading the old 1.0.1 version file by mistake. Could some one please check if Lscache is working on my forum I...
  14. Jattitude

    LiteSpeed Cache - Community

    I get this when upgrading : The callback class 'Litespeedcache_Options' for option 'litespeedcacheXF_publicttl' is not valid.
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