Recent content by ivp

  1. I

    Pages not having "200 OK" status response code should not be reported as Last activity

    Sometimes in "Guests" tab of members online page seeing activities such as: Guest Performing moderation duties Guest Engaged in conversation Upset users reported this to us, asking what is going on. I assume guests are trying to open such pages, get "403 Forbidden", but XenForo anyway reports...
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    Crowd Moderation [Paid]

    If the user reports the same post multiple times, will it count as 1 report point?
  3. I

    [AL] Perspective API 2.x [Paid]

    Will you support XF 2.3 and 3.0?
  4. I

    Add-on A chatGPT moderation tool would be a game changer. Is anyone working on this?

    Found similar add-on Perspective API 2.x @AddonsLab created. Since @Stuart Wright already implemented ChatGPT for his add-on Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support, he might be interested. Also @Xon might want to build AI version of his add-on Crowd Moderation.
  5. I

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    It would be nice to be able to exclude threads based on discussion_state, discussion_type, discussion_open, sticky, prefix_id, minimum(reply_count) , number of distinct users per thread and create forum homepage very similar to Reddit.
  6. I

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    Great, so bot-traffic exclusion will be actually system wide. Will it be turned on by default?
  7. I

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    So new Content activity log contains both view_count and view_count_without_bots? Since you implemented the logic to detect bots, why counting them at all? view_count column in xf_thread table should also exclude bots, just like GA4 does:
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    XF 2.3 Trending content

    Is such counter introduced in 2.3, since I don't see it in 2.2? xf_thread table has view_count column only.
  9. I

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    Something like this:
  10. I

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    Maybe it should be automatically disabled for bulk actions? Also I think that "Cache XenForo guest pages" cache rule (which add-on creates in Cloudflare) should include hostname, for accounts having multiple subdomains.
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    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    When guest page caching is enabled, merging users (source having 5k messages into target having 100k messages) creates high server load and database connection timeouts. When disabled it, the process took couple of minutes without any issues. I suspected that this is connected to the add-on...
  12. I

    Awaiting feedback Building add-on skips filenames starting with dot

    It is internal add-on and the idea is to distribute private keys in it. Docs say "This option accepts either a path to a credentials file, or a decoded credentials file as a PHP array", so probably this could be hard coded...
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    Awaiting feedback Building add-on skips filenames starting with dot

    Just checked and I can see that nginx config includes: location /src/ { internal; } and src/.htaccess: Order deny,allow Deny from all So you think it is perfectly safe to have keys in regular files (not starting with dot)?
  14. I

    Add-on Infinite scroll for threads

    Any other add-on offering infinite scroll for the list of threads?
  15. I

    XF 2.2 Disallow posts consisting of embeds only

    That's for the first post only?
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