Recent content by Hizen

  1. Hizen

    Switched From Subdomain, Now Friendly URLs Does Not Work

    Found the answer in this thread: Had to comment out RewriteBase /
  2. Hizen

    Switched From Subdomain, Now Friendly URLs Does Not Work

    Previously my forum was located at It is now located at Since the change, friendly URLs do not work. If I switch back to using the subdomain, then there are no issues with them. Below is my .htaccess file. # Mod_security can...
  3. Hizen

    XF 2.1 Can't get RSS after lastest version upgrade

    I recently upgraded my forum ( to the latest version (from the version before it). We have another site ( which fetches the RSS from, however, the code on that other site...
  4. Hizen

    Editor & BB Code Manager

    I figured out the issue. The files couldn't upload to /styles/ because it didn't have sufficient permission to write there. chmod 775 styles fixed it.
  5. Hizen

    Editor & BB Code Manager

    Hiya, Trying to upgrade from 1.10 to 1.20 (then eventually the newest patch level). Being denied due to missing files. Where can I find these?
  6. Hizen

    XF 2.1 Create Forum User Using Remote SQL or Something Similar?

    Yep my other script is in php. I don't understand sorry.
  7. Hizen

    XF 2.1 Create Forum User Using Remote SQL or Something Similar?

    Hi, I am interested in being able to create forum users via some remote function. I run a small game community. When users register their game account, I want to give them the option to register a forum account on the spot, rather than having to funnel them there through other means. E.g. the...
  8. Hizen

    Tickets [Paid]

    Thanks guys. I purchased the Tickets add-on and it seems to work fine on current XF2.1. All the options are overwhelming. Seems it will take time to configure.
  9. Hizen

    XF 2.1 Cancel manual rebuild jobs awaiting completion.

    thank god i found this thread saved me. This has been bugging me for months.
  10. Hizen

    Tickets [Paid]

    Is XF2.1 compatible yet? Still waiting eagerly for release. Even beta version would be cool.
  11. Hizen

    Tickets [Paid]

    xf2 tickets wen
  12. Hizen

    [TH] Reactions [Deleted]

    I should have stated that I fixed it by simply uninstalling then reinstalling an older patch of the add-on.
  13. Hizen

    [TH] Reactions [Deleted]

    Never mind. I thought I was running XF2.1, but I'm on an older version.
  14. Hizen

    Tickets [Paid]

    pls any news on XF2 port
  15. Hizen

    Discord Integration [Paid]

    Has anyone who is using this also used 8WR's Discord add-on before? Wondering what the differences are.
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