Recent content by Geiri

  1. Geiri

    XF 2.2 After upgrading XF to 2.2.16 patch2. I am prompted to upgrade MG to 2.2.6?

    I ask as this MG upgrade is named 2.2.6 It's Not named 2.3.0 One could think it was related to 2.2.16
  2. Geiri

    XF 2.2 After upgrading XF to 2.2.16 patch2. I am prompted to upgrade MG to 2.2.6?

    I get this The following updates to official add-ons are now available: XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.6 But this is all I see???? I don't want to upgrade to 2.3.0 Should I ignore??
  3. Geiri

    New user control for fresh registered users

    No I don't I am checking it out
  4. Geiri

    New user control for fresh registered users

    I have Stopforumspam enabled. I did not know about the addon. I will check it out. Thank you all for you input This are my current settings. Any thing I should change or other setting to look at?
  5. Geiri

    New user control for fresh registered users

    So what is a good practice in this maters??
  6. Geiri

    New user control for fresh registered users

    My most frequent task ( a few times a day ) is to open Xf admin click > Users > list all users > Sort by join date I guess this is what most of you do? I delete most registering users and those that only write two letters or some crap to Necessary custom fields. I would like to suggest that...
  7. Geiri

    XF 2.2 Show Notices on search page?

    How can I show Notices on search page? On Domain /search/?type=post I want to instruct users to use the search engine in a specific way and thought of using the Notice feature. I have set the Page criteria > Selected navigation tab is > Search But see nothing.
  8. Geiri

    Create new thread search box

    It's a list of possible locations for your thread. You need to choose, in what forum the thread will be created. It's because you are located out of a single forum. It will change as soon as you enter
  9. Geiri

    XF 2.3 What's new with Enhanced Search, Resource Manager and Media Gallery in XenForo 2.3?

    This is a good start. I am new here so I am looking forward to the Integration of the 10 "Most voted suggestions" are made real Upgrade..... For XF / XFMG / & XFRM Maybe 2.3.1?
  10. Geiri

    XF 2.2 Where do I Translate the K in 3K

    Where do I find the string 19.8k ?
  11. Geiri

    Comment by 'Geiri' in media 'BH804_3'

    It was mine back in the day´s I am a huge fan also. I have 4 other now Generation 1. One driving and two in restoration progress. Great cars I Love them
  12. Geiri

    Question about custom user fields

    Custom user fields are not searchable in some Xf products. Just to keep in mind ;)
  13. Geiri

    Still no Social Share option?

    Does it work if you try and share a Forum Thread? I have some trouble getting it to pull the First thread image.
  14. Bronco


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