Recent content by Fecom

  1. Fecom

    Add-on FB Scraper & Pusher addon: interest, need dev

    What a pity, it's very interesting. Thanks for your reply.
  2. Fecom

    Add-on FB Scraper & Pusher addon: interest, need dev

    Did you finally develop the addon?
  3. Fecom

    XF 2.2 Automatic Posting from CSV

    I want to import some of the topics and posts from one of my forums to the other, do you know where can i find out how to do this? Thank you What is this?
  4. Fecom

    XF 2.2 Forum Broken for guest in desktop

    The problem was because of an adsense ad above the nodes.
  5. Fecom

    XF 2.2 Forum Broken for guest in desktop

    Hello. Someone know why my forum is like broken for guests? For register users is ok. I have deleted lateral widgets. Thank you. Regards.
  6. Fecom

    XF 2.2 How can I include this code in the forum?

    I'm going to contact the hosting company, to see if that's the reason.
  7. Fecom

    XF 2.2 How can I include this code in the forum?

    For some reason it won't let me save the Page Container template.
  8. Fecom

    XF 2.2 How can I include this code in the forum?

    Thank you very much @ENF (y) I will follow the explanation
  9. Fecom

    XF 2.2 How can I include this code in the forum?

    Hello How can I include this in the forum? I get an error when I try to paste the above code in head, inside Page Container. Thank you.
  10. Fecom

    XF 2.2 Product Feed AWIN

    Good morning. Is it possible to integrate the Awin product feed in Xenforo? Thank you. Regards.
  11. Fecom

    [TH] Monetize [Deleted]

    Hello. Can the text "Sponsored by" be removed from a particular node?
  12. Fecom

    XF 2.1 Register button

    Thank you @Chromaniac The problem was the size of the screen and the font of my phone. Thank you very much.
  13. Fecom

    XF 2.1 Register button

    It looks like yours on my friends' mobile phones. Will it be a problem on my mobile phone?
  14. Fecom

    XF 2.1 Register button

    Thank you very much for answering. Now I don't understand anything. Why don't I look like this?:eek:
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