Recent content by Farjad

  1. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    I'm not sure when I'll finish the next version. I'm busy with school as of now. It's not manual, it's auto. It uses paypal IPN.
  2. F

    [XenFarjad] Forum Index in Pages

    Erm. I think you're in the wrong thread.. but i'm not sure (if you are talking about sidebar tabs).
  3. F

    [XenFarjad] Forum Index in Pages

    What do you mean?
  4. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    At the moment, it's only possible through phpmyadmin. table: xf_donation_donors example: INSERT INTO xf_donation_donors (`user_id`,`total) VALUES ('REPLACE_WITH_USER_ID','REPLACE_WITH_AMOUNT_DONATED'); sorry, i can't give an estimate on 1.1 since i've been really busy with another mod for a...
  5. F

    xen:number size limited to mb?

    Just found it: XenForo_Locale.php public static function numberFormat($number, $precision = 0, array $language = null) { if (!$language) { $language = self::$_language; } if (!$language) { $decimalSep = '.'...
  6. F

    xen:number size limited to mb?

    hello, i'm not sure if this has been asked before but i couldn't find anything. when adding in template: {xen:number $var, size} I seem to get stuck in "MB" and nothing higher. I was wondering if it was possible to make it go up to GB, TB, PB, etc. Or is there another function I could use in...
  7. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    @bogus, it should be fixed in v1.0.5 (don't know what's up with the german stuff though)
  8. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    I've released v1.0.5, it should fix any/all IPN issues (and possible guest & no goal issues).
  9. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    Ok, so it it was successfully posted on the site? Or it just stopped at pending(is it pending with paypal too?).
  10. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    If you leave it blank, they can set an amount on paypal redirect.
  11. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    Ok, I might have it fixed. Can you try this: Open: /library/XenFarjad/Donations/DataWriter/Paypal.php and change: all the mentions of: 'required' => true to: 'required' => false and try it again. I believe paypal isn't posting some of the required stuff that it was posting for me.
  12. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    I need someone to: open : XenFarjad/Donations/ControllerPublic/Index.php find: public function actionNotify() { add under: file_put_contents(XenForo_Application::getInstance()->getRootDir()."/notify.txt", serialize($_POST)); make a donation -> paste me contents of notify.txt in your forum...
  13. F

    [XenFarjad] Donations

    Yes, I believe paypal isn't posting something that might be set as a required field. I will have it fixed once abnvet gives me the details.
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