Recent content by EliteDuck

  1. EliteDuck

    XF 1.5 Help with insertion of Javascript rotating ad banner above forum list on the forum index.

    Hello all, In the web design course I have been taking for the past few months, I made a Javascript rotating ad banner intended to be used for my website. I am now on the final step of the project, adding it to my forums, but I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to add it. My forums...
  2. EliteDuck

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    @Jaxel How would I fully remove article view from my installation? What I am looking at doing is having all articles on the homepage and remove all of the header links to the "full" page for the article.
  3. EliteDuck

    AERO Force Gaming |Forums

    @Summit What theme are you using as a base for your custom style?
  4. EliteDuck

    XF 1.5 Email to all unapproved users

    Just found a free addon that does exactly what you want:
  5. EliteDuck

    XF 1.5 Email to all unapproved users

    Found this, this may help you a lot:
  6. EliteDuck

    XF 1.5 Email to all unapproved users

    You could do an email blast from the Admin CP and target unapproved users. I think it is somewhere under "Users".
  7. EliteDuck

    Terrible experience with Kansas City Host aka The Forum Heroes

    I would highly recommend switching to Namecheap. They have new and obscure TLDs (.xyz and such), $40/year basic hosting and support CloudFlare. I have used them for 4 years. The only issue I had was when I first started using them and they answered my ticket within 20 minutes of me sending it...
  8. EliteDuck - Multi-Game Gaming Community

    Thanks so much for the feedback. I have been working so hard on the behind the scenes stuff (adding trophies linked into master badge, making template edits and adding help pages) that I completely forgot about making the site user friendly.
  9. EliteDuck - Multi-Game Gaming Community

    Hello all, I am looking for feedback on my community which has been running since early 2013. URL: My community focuses on multiple games (Minecraft, Garry's Mod, Planetside 2, GTAO and a few other games). Custom edits: [OP] tag below a users avatar if they are the...
  10. EliteDuck

    Add donation icons after username and below user avatar similar to CSGO Lounge

    Found a addon with the functionality I wanted:
  11. EliteDuck

    [Suggestion] Thread/Post Starter Highlight/Marker

    Obligatory apology for the necro, I will get right into what I have to say. I took the base code of @vkams work and changed the <img> code with blue text similar to Reddit. Code: <xen:if is="{$thread.user_id} == {$user.user_id}"> <br /> <dl...
  12. EliteDuck

    Add donation icons after username and below user avatar similar to CSGO Lounge

    Hello all, I am looking to reward my users for donating to help with server costs and I am looking to change an already implemented system on my forums to show icons depending on how much they have donated (different usergroups). The code I am looking at slightly changing to implement this is...
  13. EliteDuck - RPG Maker MV Forum

    I love the red and black design of your forum. All I noticed you should improve on is more content and stuff to do.
  14. EliteDuck

    customizeXF - Customize and enhance your default XenForo style

    I really love the coloured nodes. I specifically like the flat, clear colours you have chosen for the palate of the nodes.
  15. EliteDuck

    Vial of Salt - Tom Clancy's The Division Community

    I love your orange and black colour palate you have chosen for the theme you have created. Also, kudos to you for creating a site for a new game. I once did the same for new indie release and sold it for $400 USD a month after its release.
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